

A Study on the Civil Obligation of Shareholders Withdrawing Capital Contributions from Limited Liability Company

【作者】 张雷

【导师】 王保树;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,公司成立后,股东抽逃出资的现象较为突出。股东抽逃出资的行为严重损害了公司利益,进而损害了其他股东和公司债权人的利益,给公司的健康存续和社会经济秩序的稳定造成了较大破坏。我国《公司法》主要规定了抽逃出资股东应承担的行政责任和刑事责任,对抽逃出资股东所应承担的民事责任没有做出明确规定。但股东抽逃出资的行为侵害的是公司、其他股东和公司债权人的利益,行政责任和刑事责任是抽逃出资股东所承担的公法上的责任,这些责任的承担对于公司、其他股东和公司债权人的利益恢复并无助益。因而,抽逃出资股东对公司、对其他股东、对公司债权人所应承担的民事责任是本文主要研究的内容。笔者认为:股东抽逃出资,是对公司法人财产权的侵害,应对公司承担侵权责任。公司可要求抽逃出资股东返还所抽逃的出资,赔偿因抽逃出资给公司造成的利息及其他损失;公司怠于提起诉讼时,其他股东可提起派生诉讼追究抽逃出资股东的民事责任。为了调动其他股东监督公司正常经营追究抽逃出资股东民事责任的积极性,可建立以下促进机制:明确因制止抽逃出资而提起的派生诉讼为非财产诉讼,以减少原告股东的起诉负担;明确原告股东胜诉时的诉讼费用补偿请求权,对不由败诉被告承担的诉讼费用,如律师费、交通费,请求公司给与合理的补偿。债权人请求公司清偿债务,公司不能清偿的,债权人可依据代位权制度对抽逃出资且未予返还的股东提起诉讼,请求其在抽逃出资的数额及利息范围内承担补充赔偿责任;抽逃出资严重损害债权人利益的,债权人可依据公司法人格否认制度追究抽逃出资股东的民事责任,请求其对公司债务承担无限连带责任。

【Abstract】 At present, the phenomenon of withdrawing capital contributions from company by shareholders is serious. This action is doing harm to company, other shareholders, and creditors. Company Law only stipulates the administrative and criminal liability of the withdrawing shareholder, not stipulating the civil liability of the withdrawing shareholder. The administrative and criminal liability is the liability which withdrawing shareholder assume in the sense to country. The loss of company, other shareholders and creditors is not compensated because of that liability to country. Consequently, the civil liability of the withdrawing shareholder to company, other shareholders and creditors, is the most important question to study in this paper.Withdrawing shareholders shall assume torts liability to company. Company may claim return of the withdrawn capital contribution, and compensation loss. If company is inactive to bring litigation, other shareholders may bring a derivative suit. In order to urge other shareholders bring derivative suit against withdrawing shareholders, the derivative suit should be non-property suit, and the cost of lawyer fees, traffic fees, and so on, shall be assumed by company in the reasonable extent.In general, creditor may claim the withdrawing shareholders to bear civil liability in the amount of withdrawn capital contribution and its interest. In special circumstance which the withdrawing shareholders have done serious harm to creditor, creditor may claim the withdrawing shareholders liable for joint and several liability for company debts.

【关键词】 抽逃出资股东民事责任
【Key words】 withdrawing contributionshareholderscivil liability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】382

