

Legal Research on Energy Conservation Voluntary Agreement

【作者】 肖静

【导师】 王明远;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 环境与资源保护法学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 节能自愿协议作为一种新兴的节能机制,自上世纪90年代初问世以来,已经成为国际上应用非常广泛的一种非强制性节能措施。目前世界上十几个国家都在使用这种制度促进政府和企业的合作,通过政策激励促使企业自觉提高能效。我国于2003年在山东钢铁行业开展了节能自愿协议的首个试点,并取得了显著成效。之后一系列的试点在我国进一步展开。因此,笔者选择了这一非常新的制度,开创性地研究了相关法律问题,以期起到抛砖引玉的作用。笔者从理论和实践两个层面,对节能自愿协议的相关法律问题加以探讨。在理论层面,首先对制度的产生背景、基本思路、应用现状及发展趋势进行简要分析,然后着重从正当性、合理性和可行性三个角度阐明制度的理论基础。在实践层面,通过对国外实施状况的梳理,首创性地提炼出一个具有普遍意义的制度框架,从协议的主体和类型、内容、签订和实施程序、效力、变更和解除、违约责任和争议解决、法律性质和法律适用等多个方面展现了节能自愿协议的全貌。在此基础上,结合我国的现实国情,通过对已进行试点的总结,指出在我国进一步推广节能自愿协议的障碍所在,最后设计出一套适合我国特殊国情的制度体系。本文将节能自愿协议与一般合同的差异分析作为贯穿全篇的主线。与一般保障自由的合同不同,节能自愿协议相反限制企业对能源的随意使用,这一差异引起对制度正当性及合理性的讨论;与一般主体地位平等的合同不同,节能自愿协议中政府和企业两方地位明显不平等,这一差异体现在主体的特殊权利义务上,在签订程序中政府的主导权、实施程序中政府的监督权和企业的报告义务、政府对企业违约的直接制裁权等。与一般合同的差异还体现在节能自愿协议特殊的变更解除、违约责任及争议解决等程序规定上。根据从实践中归纳出来的这些差异,笔者对节能自愿协议的法律性质进行探讨,通过与典型民事合同和行政合同的分别比较,得到节能自愿协议应为行政法上一类特殊合同形态的结论。最后在以此结论为基础对我国制度体系进行设计时,也着重突出了节能自愿协议与一般合同有所差别的方面。

【Abstract】 As a new kind of energy conservation mechanism, Voluntary Agreement (VA) came out in the 1990s and now it becomes a popular non-compulsory measure in the world. It is adopted by many countries to facilitate cooperation between governments and industries and promote industries improve energy efficiency voluntarily. Two steel companies in Shandong were chosen to do first test in China, and the test shows very good effect. After that, a series of tests were started. This article selects related legal problems of VA for discussion, hoping to offer some help to further research.In theoretic level, the article first analyses the background, status and further development of system briefly, then focuses on the justice, rationality and feasibility to clarify fundamental theory problems. In practical level, based on international experiences, the article gives a universal system framework for the first time, which includes VA’s participants, types, contents, negotiating and fulfillment process, validity, modification and termination, liability for breach of agreement, dispute settlement, legal nature and application. Based on this framework and China’s reality, article then points out the main obstacles for spreading VA in China, and designs a system which suits particular situation of our country.The difference between VA and common contract is the main clue through the whole article. VA restricts, not guarantees enterprise’s freedom in energy using, which brings out discussion about justice and rationality. VA does not have equal parties, which brings special rights and obligations. Special modification, termination and dispute settlement procedures also reflect their differences. After comparing to typical civil and administrative contract, I get the conclusion that VA is a special kind of contract in the area of administrative law. Later system design for China is based on this conclusion, and it also emphasizes these differences mentioned before.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】D922.6
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】265

