

A Study on the Plaintiff of Shareholder’s Representative Suit

【作者】 刘占中

【导师】 朱慈蕴;

【作者基本信息】 清华大学 , 法律, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 《公司法》修改前,实践中许多案件反映出原告股东维权艰难的问题,而各地法院在处理此类案件时常处于一种司法无序状态,这给我国建立一个司法统一的法治社会带来了很大障碍。我国新修订的《公司法》虽以法律形式确立了股东代表诉讼制度,但规定相当原则,可操作性不太强,也不利于原告股东行使相关权利。因此,新《公司法》能否解决实践中这种司法无序状态和原告诉讼所遭遇的困惑,是本文研究的重点。有鉴于此,本文试图从理论和实务角度对原告股东的代表权的来源、资格、权利与义务等问题进行探讨。运用比较、分析等方法,介绍和比较英美法系和大陆法系的股东代表诉讼制度。在比较、借鉴美国、日本等国家和我国台湾地区该制度法律规定的基础上,结合我国的实际,笔者认为,应放宽对原告的资格限制;完善前置程序;对原告的私下和解、撤诉进行限制等等。同时,为了鼓励原告股东提起代表诉讼,更好的保护公司及中小股东的利益,笔者提出了相关的鼓励措施,如按非财产案件收取案件受理费;赋予原告诉讼费用补偿请求权及直接受偿权;实行举证责任倒置;引进律师胜诉收费制;非恶意的原告败诉不负赔偿责任等等,以期对原告制度的完善提供参考。

【Abstract】 Before the revision of company law, a growing number of cases reflect the difficult issue of safeguarding the plaintiff’s rights in practice. However, when the courts deal with such cases, they often entered a status of disorder, which will bring us a judicial obstacle to reunite the rules of law in our society. Although in the company law legislation of China, shareholders deputy litigation system is established, but rather provided. It is not feasible for practical use, and it becomes hard for the plaintiff shareholders to exercise their rights. So, the hot issue of this paper is whether new company law could resolve the judicial disorder and the puzzles from the plaintiffs or not. Starting from several cases, this paper attempts to study the representation of the source of the plaintiff, qualifications, rights and obligations of questions both from theoretical and practical aspects. Through the method of comparison and analysis , it introduced and compares the system of shareholder representative action of the British and American legal system and the mainland legal system. In comparison, from the United States, Japan and Taiwan of China and other countries on the basis of the legal system and in light of the reality in China, I believe we should relax the restrictions on the eligibility of the plaintiff; the proceeding process before the suit; restrictions on the private reconciliation and so on. Meanwhile, in order to encourage the plaintiff filed on behalf of shareholders litigation, and to protect the interests of small shareholders and the company much better, this paper proposes a related incentives, such as charge by the non-property cases; give the plaintiff the right to request compensation for legal costs and direct compensation ;reversal of the burden of proof; successful implementation of lawyers charging system; the plaintiff is not liable for the defendant and the company while non-malicious, etc.

【关键词】 原告资格限制措施鼓励措施
【Key words】 PlaintiffQualificationsRestrictionsIncentives
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 清华大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D925.1;D922.291.91
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】197

