

【作者】 王万章

【导师】 陈家麟;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来,焦虑(Anxiety)一直是心理学、教育学和临床精神病学研究的热门问题。当前全社会都在关注中学生的心理健康问题,焦虑问题是影响中学生心理健康最常见的情绪问题。本次研究探讨中学生焦虑、自尊和应付方式的状况,对三者之间的关系进行了深入分析,并做了个案研究,旨在为中学心理咨询和心理健康教育提供理论和实践依据。本次研究采用Zung编制的焦虑自评量表(SAS)、Spielberger等人编制的状态一特质焦虑问卷(STAI)、Rosenberg编制的自尊量表(SES)及肖计划等人修订的应付方式问卷,对396名中学生进行测查,所得数据运用SPSS13.0软件包进行统计处理。本研究主要结论如下:1.中学生焦虑检出率较高。中学生状态焦虑和特质焦虑高于全国常模,且达到了显著性差异。不同年级中学生在状态焦虑和特质焦虑上存在显著性差异。不同学习成绩的中学生其焦虑程度有显著性差异。2.不同年级的中学生自尊有显著性差异。不同学习成绩的中学生自尊有显著性差异。3.不同年级的中学生应付方式具有不同的特点,而且在解决问题、自责、退避、合理化因子上有显著性差异。中学生应付方式在合理化因子得分上,男女中学生存在显著差异。普通中学和重点中学学生在合理化因子上得分有显著性差异。学习成绩好的中学生在解决问题、自责因子上与中等生和差生有显著性差异。4.中学生状态焦虑、特质焦虑得分和SAS标准得分与自尊呈显著负相关。中学生焦虑水平与自责、幻想、逃避和合理化应付因子呈显著正相关,与问题解决、求助应付因子呈显著负相关。5.自尊对状态焦虑和特质焦虑有较强预测作用。解决问题对状态焦虑和特质焦虑有很强预测作用,求助对特质焦虑有预测作用,自责对状态焦虑和特质焦虑有很强预测作用。高焦虑的中学生自尊水平低,倾向使用消极的应付方式。

【Abstract】 The study of anxiety has long been hot research, especially in the field of psychology, education and psychiatry. At present the whole society is paying high attention to the mental health of the middle school students and anxiety is the most popular emotion problem which influences the middle school students. In order to offer scientific theoretical basis and effective guiding practice for the psychological counseling and mental health education of middle school, we studied the characteristics of anxiety, self-esteem and coping style of the middle school students. Furthermore, the relation of the three concepts was proundly analyzed. Then one case was reported.Self-Rating Anxiety Scale draw up Zung, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory drawn up by Spielberger, Self-Esteem Scale drawn up by Rosenberg and Coping Style Questionnaire revised by Xiao jihua were used for assessment among 396 middle school students. The data was analyzed by SPSS 13.0 for windows.The main results are as following:1.Anxiety is investigated high rate in the middle school students. Grade 10 is high than other grades. State anxiety and trait anxiety level of middle school students is significantly higher than the national norm. There is significant difference among different grades of all the subjects’state anxiety and trait anxiety. Academic performance significantly impacts on the anxiety level of middle school students.2.Self-esteem of different grades of the middle school students is significantly different. Self-esteem of different academic performance of the middle school students is significantly different.3.The coping style of different grades of the middle school students is remarkably different. Furthermore, there are significant differences concerning problem-solving, self-blaming, withdrawal, rationalization. There is significant differcnce concerning rationlization with regard to gender and school type. There is significant difference concerning problem-solving and self-blaming with regard to academic performance.4.The scores of state anxiety,trait anxiety and self-rating anxiety have significant negative correlation with self-esteem of middle school students. Anxiety of middle school students has significant positive correlation with self-blaming, fantasy, withdrawal and rationalization. In contrast, it has significant negative correlation with problem-solving and help-seeking. Self-esteem of middle school students has significant positive correlation with problem-solving and help-seeking. However, self-esteem of middle school students has significant negative correlation with self-blaming, fantasy, withdrawal and rationalization.5.State anxiety and trait anxiety are predicted strongly by self-esteem and problem-solving, self-blaming. Trait anxiety is predicted by help-seeking. Middle school students with high anxiety have low self-esteem level and tend to use negative coping style.

【关键词】 焦虑状态焦虑特质焦虑自尊应付方式
【Key words】 AnxietyState AnxietyTrait AnxietySelf-esteemCoping style
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 02期

