

Study on Rn and Environmental Geochemistry of Hongge Hot Spring of Panzhihua

【作者】 陈召文

【导师】 马玉孝;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 核资源与核勘查工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 温泉是自然资源的一个重要组成部分,对红格温泉环境地球化学进行调查及开发利用研究,不仅有利于地方经济的可持续发展和人民生活质量品质的提高,而且对当地旅游资源品位的提升及综合开发利用,具有十分重要的现实意义和经济价值。本文是在对昔格达断裂红格剖面进行氡气测量和对红格温泉宾馆内洗浴池进行水氡气测量的基础上,结合前人基础地质研究成果及部分红格温泉水质检测资料,对红格温泉的环境地球化学,尤其是氡气的含量及其来源以及地热成因进行了综合研究。这项研究填补了红格温泉环境地球化学研究的一项空白。本文以环境地球化学理论为基础,以放射性测量技术为手段,综合研究红格温泉地下水形成的区域地质构造背景、地层岩石组合特征及主要水文地质条件,较为深入地探讨了红格温泉水的“储、盖、通、源”基本条件,并着重对红格温泉的成因、环境地球化学特征、氡气含量及其环境意义进行了系统地研究。对红格温泉进行氡气测量、成因研究和环境地球化学综合评价具首创性,其成果对进一步科学开发利用红格温泉具有重要意义。研究表明,红格温泉的热源具有放射性元素的放射热和地温增热双重性,南北向昔格达深大断裂带和东西向箐门口断裂为其导水和控水构造,变质震旦系地层的碳酸盐岩为地热水储层,岩浆岩和非碳酸盐类变质岩隆起中的浅层水通过断层为温泉补给水源。红格温泉属于中硬度、弱碱性、HCO3·Cl—Na型淡温泉水,温泉水中含有Rn、H2S、H2SiO3等成分。红格温泉氡气来源于地下深部岩层,洗浴池内Rn浓度较高,对人体有明显的医疗保健作用,但温泉宾馆房间应该经常通风,降低Rn浓度,以减少对人体的伤害,但露天浴池处于开放状态,空气中Rn被高度稀释,对人体的危害微乎其微,而浴池水中较高的Rn浓度,具有很好的医疗保健作用;处在红格深大断裂带上的红格温泉片区总体氡气浓度较高,氡气以断裂带为通道从深部向上运移,致使温泉的氡含量较高。

【Abstract】 Hot spring is an important part of natural resources, studying Hongge hot spring in background and exploitation is good for the development of local economy and improvement of people’s life, and in favor of integrative use of hot spring and improving the tour resources. This paper surveys the Radon along a line transversely across the Xigeda fault, and the Radon of Hongge hot spring. We study the Environmental Geochemistry of Hongge hot spring (especially about radon and Geothermal Resources), using basic geological results of former predecessors . It also fills a blank of study in Environmental Geochemistry of Hongge hot spring.This paper is the first research and evaluation of Hongge hot spring. Basic investigation and studying on the geothermal resource which is an important part of natural resources, not only benefit to keep on the development of regional economy and improve the quantity of the people’s life, but also promote the local traveling resources. So the research has crucial realistic meaning and economic value.This paper identifies that the heat fountain of Hongge hot spring is the radiation heat of radioactive elements and the ground temperature ,the Xigeda fault and the Jingmenkou fault are controlling and guiding the hot water, the Hongge hot spring is a type of moderate-in-hardness HCO3·Cl-Na water with alkalescence. The Rn, H2S and H2SiO3 in hot water have a healthy and medical care role. The rooms of Hongge hot spring hotel should minish concentration of radon by ventilation. The concentration of radon of Hongge faults are higher than other regions, the radon gas comes into being from the deep underground and is brought along the passage caused by the faults.

  • 【分类号】X142
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】194

