

The Applied Research of DSP in Radar Life Detection System

【作者】 詹鹏

【导师】 郭勇;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 通信与信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是全球大陆性地震最活跃、灾害损失最严重的国家之一,各类建筑物倒塌、塌方、泥石流等灾害也频繁发生。为此,利用先进的救援装备,快速搜寻到幸存者,提高紧急救援能力是减少灾害损失的重要措施,对于保护人民的生命,构建和谐社会,维护社会稳定等具有重要意义。本课题研制的雷达生命探测系统主要基于多普勒原理,当雷达波穿透一定障碍物而碰到人体时,反射的回波信号被人体生命活动(如呼吸、心跳等)引起的微动所调制,使得回波信号的一些参数(如频率、相位)发生改变,我们把回波信号经过适当处理后就能从中提取出人体相关的生命特征信息,从而在不接触人体的情况下,可得知在废墟、瓦砾、建筑物下是否有活的生命体的存在。利用雷达波探测生命体的方法,克服了传统的探生设备容易受外界环境限制和干扰的缺点,抗干扰能力强,适用于发生塌方、雪崩、地震等灾害后对受伤人员的及时搜救,同时也可用于心理测评及反恐等领域。该生命探测系统包括雷达天线、现场探测装置和远端测控PDA三部分。现场探测装置包括雷达收发模块和基于DSP的前端预处理系统。前端预处理系统以TMS320C5509A为核心,负责对解调后信号的实时采集和处理,远端测控PDA部分为搜救人员使用的手持式主机,PDA通过RS232接口从现场探测装置获取数据,同时也能对现场探测装置进行控制。前端预处理系统依靠DSP强大的实时数字信号处理和运算能力,高效、实时地完成对信号的采集和实时处理。完成了对低频信号采集和处理的软硬件设计,达到了预期的指标和要求。该系统集成度高、体积小、重量轻、易携带,具有良好的应用前景和实用价值。

【Abstract】 China is one of the most active earthquake and disaster losses area in the world, many types of buildings collapsed, landslides, mudslides and other disasters have occurred frequently. So, the use of advanced rescue equipment, rapid search to survivors, emergency rescue capabilities, improve disaster reduction is an important measure for loss, for the protection of people’s lives and build a harmonious society, and safeguarding social stability has great significance.The subject developed radar detection system is mainly based on the life principle of Doppler. When radar wave penetrated some obstacles and encountered the body, signal was modulated by human life activities (such as breaithing, heartbeat, etc.), some parameters (such as frequency, phase) of the signal Changed. We can extract life relevant characteristics information from the echo signal after properly dispose. Thus, we know whether life is existence under ruins, rabble, buildings without touch the body. This approach overcome shortcoming of the traditional life detection equipments which is vulnerable to outside interference. It can be Apple to rescue injured person timely after collapse, avalanche, earthquakes and other disasters, as well as psychological evaluation and anti-terrorism areas and so on.The life detection system contains three parts, which is radar antenna, on-site detection device and remote monitor and control PDA. The on-site detection devices contains transceiver module and DSP-based pretreatment system, TMS320C5509A is the core of pretreatment system, it take charge of real-time signal sample and processing after demodulation. Remote monitor and control PDA is the handset for the rescue staff. PDA can access data from the on-site detection device through the RS232 interface, and also can control the on-site detection device.Pretreatment system completes real-time data sample and processing efficiently, depend on the powerful real-time digital signal processing and computing of the DSP. Completed the hardware and software design of the low-frequency data sample and processing system, and achieved the expected target and requirement. The system which has the merit of high integration, small volume, light weight and easy to carry, has a good prospect and practical value.

【关键词】 生命探测DSPFIR滤波数据采集雷达
【Key words】 Life DetectionDSPFIR filterData AcquisitionRadar
  • 【分类号】TN953
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】246

