

Magnetic Anomaly Processing and Interpretation System Design and Development

【作者】 唐小兵

【导师】 李才明;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地球探测与信息技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 磁法勘探随着地质工作的不断深入开展以及现代数学物理理论与计算机科学的迅速发展,促使磁法勘探在仪器、方法技术、解释理论以及实际应用等方面得到了全面系统的发展,使过去手工无法解决的复杂形体磁场的计算与反演成为可能。目前,国内外已有一些磁测数据处理与反演软件,其中有的数据处理功能不强,有的综合性解释平台价格昂贵,有的只侧重某一方面,不利于地质工作人员对测区所测得的数据进行整理、处理转换、成图、反演与综合解释。根据磁法勘探工作中的工作任务和磁测数据处理内容及反演要求,在总结实际磁测工作经验的基础上,设计开发了磁异常处理解释系统。其功能模块有:磁测数据处理,如日变改正,梯度改正,坐标插值,文件合并,数据圆滑,解析延拓,数据网格化,数据统计等;磁测数据转换,转换成剖线图数据,平面剖面图数据,二维、三维反演数据;绘图模块,如剖线图、平面剖面图,三维显示图等;反演模块:包括二维反演和三维反演,它们都是通过加载其他程序模块实现的;工具模块:包括磁测正常场计算,磁测质量检查等;外接程序模块及帮助系统等。此系统使得磁测资料处理更加方便快捷。在数据预处理模块中,主要基于ENVI磁力仪磁测数据(也可打开其他格式磁测数据文件,或者通过外接程序管理器扩展也可实现)进行预处理,得到标准数据格式文件,再进行磁异常的绘图与反演及综合解释。本程序主体是在Microsoft的.Net平台上,使用C#语言开发完成的,部分功能模块是在Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0平台上完成,供系统功能调用。

【Abstract】 With the geological exploration work carried out, as well as the continuous deepening of the modern theory of mathematical physics and computer science, magnetic exploration is developing rapidly. Magnetic exploration makes equipment, techniques, explain theory and practical application a comprehensive system development. It also makes the complex magnetic field calculation and inversion possible. It is not possible to solve the problem by hand in the past.At present, there are some magnetic data processing and inversion softwares at home and abroad, in which, some data-processing functions are not strong, and some integrated platforms are very expensive, and some are only focused on one aspect. It is not conducive to a comprehensive explanation of magnetic anomalies and to geological staff to dealing with the data surveyed, mapping, editing, converting and inversing.Based on the magnetic exploration work and the requirements of magnetic data processing and inversion, by summing up the actual magnetic measurement on the basis of experience, the magnetic anomaly processing and interpretation system was designed. Its function modules are magnetic survey data processing, such as the correction of diurnal variation, the correction of the gradient, the interpolation of coordinate, the merging of documents, the sleeking of data, the analytical continuation, data gridding, data statistics and so on. The surveyed data can be converted to post-line map data, plane section data, flat contour data, and 2D and 3D inversion data. Graphics module contains drawing post-line map, flat profile map and 3D display map. Inversion module includes 2D and 3D inversion, which are loaded through other procedures to achieve. Tool module includes normal magnetic field calculation module and magnetic quality inspection module. This system also contains external module and help module. This system can makes magnetic data processing more convenient. In the data preprocessing module, pretreatment is mainly based on the ENVI magnetometer magnetic survey data (The other magnetic data format files can also be opened, or by using external manager you can also achieve this). The data can be converted to the standard data format and then the magnetic anomaly map can be drawn. After that the magnetic anomaly inversion and comprehensive interpretation can be done.Based on Microsoft .Net platform, the main part of the system is designed by using the C # language. Based on Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 platform, some functional modules are completed for the system function calls.

【关键词】 磁异常数据处理反演外接程序
【Key words】 Magnetic AnomalyData ProcessingInversionExternal Procedure
  • 【分类号】P631.23
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】389

