

The Application and Research about "3S" Technology in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Glacier Surveying and Mapping

【作者】 徐强

【导师】 杨武年;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在世界中、低纬度国家中,我国是冰川最发达的国家之一,尤其是山岳冰川。其中“世界屋脊”青藏高原的冰川面积将近5万平方公里,约占全国冰川总面积的83%,是我国境内现代冰川的主要分布区。西藏作为西部大开发战略实施的重要一部分,那里发育着大规模的现代冰川,包括大面积的大陆性冰川和较大面积的海洋性冰川。精确的地形图及其它测绘成果,是开发利用冰川和冰川地貌的基础。因此,搞好冰川及冰川地貌的测绘工作,满足各方面用图的需要,具有极为重要的现实意义。但是那里地形复杂多样,山高路险交通不便,自然地理气候条件和地质特征复杂多变。加之青藏高原冰川地区的基础测绘参考资料和前人经验相对缺少和不够精确,使得高原冰川地区的测绘工作面临巨大的挑战。近年来,“3S”技术的快速发展,为各种类型的基础测绘提供了强有力的支持。结合实际测绘任务要求,借助RS信息获取手段的同步性和先进性,GPS空间定位的准确性和便捷性,利用GIS对空间数据进行存储、查询、分析、处理、显示和输出等方面的优势,在基础测绘中整合“3S”技术的应用方法已被广泛利用。但到目前为止,我国尚未利用“3S”技术对青藏高原冰川及冰川地貌的测绘,进行过系统、完整地研究。作者针对青藏高原冰川地区地形、地貌及气候特点,首次尝试利用较为成熟的“3S”技术对青藏高原冰川地区进行系统分析和研究。提出了对高原冰川地区航空摄影测量的最佳摄影季节和时间,即选择在冬、春季,每年的11月到次年的2月为最佳航空摄影季节;时间应选择在中午前后进行。同时,结合前人的经验和自身经历体会,摸索出了一套基于“3S”技术的适应青藏高原冰川测绘的方法和手段。通过利用遥感图像处理技术和航空立体像对目视解译,对青藏高原各种冰川、冰川地貌的成因、分布及形态特征进行科学的判定和识别,发现冰川地貌“蛇形丘”不仅发育在大陆冰川地区,山岳冰川地区也有发育;并且山岳地区蛇形丘在组成物质和延伸方向上与大陆冰川地区也不同。即大陆冰川地区蛇形丘的组成物质几乎全部是有分选的成层沙砾,偶尔夹有冰碛物的透镜体,表面常覆盖一层冰碛物。而山岳冰川地区的蛇形丘几乎全部为冰碛物,其中夹有少量砾石,圆形卵石则极少,其结构比较疏松。在延伸方向上,山岳冰川型蛇形丘大致沿山顶边缘横向延伸,而大陆冰川地区蛇形丘的延伸方向大致与冰川流动方向一致。这个发现极大丰富了冰川地貌的研究。在青藏高原冰川地区地形地貌复杂,自然气候条件恶劣的环境下,通过引入“3S”新技术新方法进行基础测绘,对今后的高原冰川基础测绘建设提供了新思路和新方法,起到了抛砖引玉的作用。

【Abstract】 In those countries at medium and low latitude, Chinese is one of countries in rich of glaciers, especially kop glacier. Thereinto the area of glaciers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is nearly 50 thousand square kilometer, at 83 percent of the glaciers in the whole countries, so Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is primary glacier distributing region in our country. Tibet is regard as one of important region carried on Development of the West Regions. There are most developmental glaciers, including continent glaciers and most ocean glaciers. Accurate relief map and other mapping production are the foundation of developing glaciers and utilizing glaciers physiognomy. Therefore doing well in surveying and mapping glaciers is for the sake of the needs of various using map. It has a very important practical sense. But there landform is complexity, transport is inconvenient, climate conditions and geological characters are complex and changeful. So these conditions confronted mapping in altiplano glacier region with tremendous challenges.In past years, RS, GPS and GIS technology are developed quickly, and these technologies combined with actual surveying and mapping demand are carried on fundamental mapping work widely. But these technologies aren’t used for mapping Qinghai-Tibet Plateau up to now. The writer of this paper studies Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glaciers systematically and fully by "3S" technology for the first time. By study, the writer realized the best seasons of mapping Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glaciers by aerophotography are summer and autumn; the best time is nearly at noon. At the same time, the writer putted forward a complete set of methods of mapping Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glaciers by "3S" technology on the basis of his experience, and found a new kind of glacier physiognomy—kop like "Esker. Composing components and extendable direction of these kinds of eskers in the mountains are different from in the continent. The continent glacier eskers are composed of stratified gravel, and on the surface of some eskers are often covered with moraines. But kop glacier eskers are almost composed of moraines and a little of gravel, and configuration is sparse. On the aspect of extendable direction, kop glacier eskers extended along mountaintop brink. But the continent glacier eskers extended along glacier flowing direction. All these detections enriched the researches of glacier physiognomy greatly.On the condition of complicated landform and atrocious weather in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau glacier area, "3S" technologies are applied to basal mapping there, this kind of method is favorable for basal construction of mapping plateau glacier subsequently.

  • 【分类号】P208;P237;P228.4;P343.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】456

