

The Analysis of Karst Hydro-geological Condition and Its Effect to the Engeneering in Kunming Airport

【作者】 黄颉

【导师】 万新南;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 环境地质, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 昆明新机场拟建于昆明东北方向官渡区小哨乡与大板桥乡之间的李白冲、浑水塘一带,距昆明市约24km。规划东西四条跑道,东主跑道长4000m,宽60m,西主跑道长4000m,宽45m。根据中国“十一五”机场建设规划,昆明新国际机场将是今后5年我国兴建的唯一的一座中国面向东南亚、南亚,联结欧亚的国家门户枢纽机场。因此,对昆明新机场的勘察、建设尤为重要。本文以机场勘察范围作为研究重点,对研究区展开了一系列的水文地质调查并作出了分析研究:1.对研究区展开了深入的水文地质调查,发现尽管研究区的汇水面积小,但是其地下水资源丰富,区内几个大泉,如南泉、龙泉寺泉、青龙洞等的流量都很大,且区内存在一系列呈线性排列的常年积水的浅层塘洼。2.区内岩溶发育,调查发现区内分布的大小洼地、漏斗共997处。且研究区北部以隐伏岩溶为主,尤其在张家坡一带,发育的洼地较深、且侧壁较陡;南部以裸露型岩溶为主,在下岗村一带发育深、大的漏斗,且底部多见落水洞。3.根据地表调查资料,首先划分出研究区的含水层与隔水层,并针对研究区断裂导水性对地下水的影响,以及断层的性质、特征等,分别对F10、F12、F181、F16等断裂的导水性质进行分析,研究发现F10断层为隔水断层,而F12、F181、F16等断层均为导水断层。4.根据水文地质条件分析及岩溶发育特征,结合断裂导水性分析,以F10断层为界,将研究区划分为南北两大地下水系统,北部为杨官庄水库泄水系统,南部为大板桥泄水系统。5.紧接着,根据本次勘察的钻探及物探资料,以及对各水点的观测资料、水化学试验数据等,将南北两大地下水系统细分为七个相对独立的水文地质单元,均具有各自的补给、径流及排泄条件。北部地下水系统细分为三个水文单元:乌撒庄石乾寺泉群水文地质单元、乌撒庄南泉岩溶地下水集中型泄水单元、张家坡松散沉积物浅层孔隙水文地质单元;南部地下水系统细分为四个水文单元:青龙洞岩溶管道集中型地下水单元、龙泉寺管道式水文地质单元、训练场落水洞~阿地村浅层岩溶季节分散型泄水单元、黄龙洞岩溶水文地质单元。6.研究区内岩溶较发育的区域,均属于水文地质单元的强径流区或者排泄区,可见区内地下水对岩溶发育起着控制性的作用。北部在浑水塘槽谷区及管道区,地下管道发育,揭露多个溶洞;南部可见厅堂式管道(如kh055),且青龙洞、黄龙洞均已形成各自的地下管道系统。7.研究区内南泉水文地质单元的强径流区:浑水塘槽谷区、浑水塘管道区、水电十四局溶蚀洼地区,以及张家坡松散沉积物浅层水文单元的排泄区:张家坡~火车站沿线等,均属于较不稳定区域,必须进行相应的工程处理。8.在北部的地下水系统,由于隐伏岩溶发育,在强降雨的作用下,会产生一系列由隐伏岩溶引起的地面塌陷或由于覆盖层受地下水淘蚀引起的土洞等,严重影响了机场工程建设,建议对岩溶发育带、岩溶管道区进行相应的处理:1)为了保证乌撒庄泉群的水质及流量,对乌撒庄上游区进行改道引流;2)对于研究区内塌陷的处理,建议采用强夯法,表土经过强力夯实后,降低压缩性,增加密实度,提高土壤的强度,进而减少和避免塌陷;2)对大型的管道系统采取灌浆或在高能级强夯后加铺土工格栅和格室方法处理,并确保土工布不被破坏,一方面避免渗水形成土洞,另一方面加强顶板强度,并把上伏土层应力分散到围岩上;3)对于岩溶洞穴,原则上采用大能量强夯方法处理,对夯坑充填,填料采用场区的石料,粒径不大于80cm,为保证有效排水效果和防止土颗粒流失,在上部覆盖土工布,为保证土基具有一定的刚度,采用土工格室处理。

【Abstract】 Kunming new airport will found in Xiaoshao town in Guandu and Libaichong, Hunshui pond in Daban town, which is about 24km far from Kunming. There are four programmed runways. The east central runmay is designed in 4000m length and 60m breadth, and the west central runway is about 4000m length and 45m breadth. According to the Chinese airport build program, Kunming new airport will be the only one which faces to the other asian countries in the later five years. So it’s important to spread the reconnaissance immediately.This paper takes the airport’s reconnoitered area as the important researched area. Then spread a lot of work for the hydrogeological condition and give some analyse following:1 .As expanding a lot of embeded work in the area, we find that although there is a small area to pool the water, it has a large groundwater resource. There are many springs,like Nan quan spring,Longquansi spring, which have the big flux, and there are several ponds formed in a line.2.The researched area develops on the karst physiognomy, there are 997 billabongs. The north mostly develops the covered type of karst, where the billabongs are deep and the walls are precipitous, especially in the Zhangjiapo area;And the south mostly develops the exposed type of karst, which often develops the big and deep billabongs, with the water holes on the bottom.3.According to the surface survey data, this paper partitioned the aquifer and the aquifuge first, and gave enough proof to demonstrate the character of the faults, such as F10,F12,F181,F16 and so on. Then we find that the F10 is blocking the groundwater, and others can lead the water go through in the area.4.Based on the hydro-geological analysis and the fauls character, we took the F10 fault as the blocking water bound, and partitioned two underground water systems, the north is the Yangguanzhuang reservoir spilling system, and the south is the Dabanqiao spilling system. 5.Next, based on the drilling data, the observation data of the surface water and groundwater, including the chemical data, we divided into seven hydro-geological cells, which have each supply, flowing and the drainage. The north divided into three cells: the Wusazhuang shiqiansi springs hydro-geological cell, the Wusazhuang nanquan groundwater cell, the Zhangjiapo shallow groundwater cell. The south divided into four cells :the Qinglong cave groundwater cell, the Longquansi pipeling cell, the Xunlianchang to Adicun shallow groundwater cell, and the Huanglong cave groundwater cell.6.The areas which develop the karsts belong to the flowage or the drainage on each cell. So we can conclude that the underground water controls the upgrowth of the karst in this area. In the north, the Hunshui pond groove and the pipeline areas have some developed pipes underground; In the south, there are the hall pipe like kh055, the Qinglong cave and the Huanglong cave systems have developed each pipeling system under the surface.7.The flowage of the Nanquan cell, including the Hunshui pond groove, the pipeline and the Shuidianshisiju billabong areas, and the drainage of the Zhangjiapo cell, are the instable areas, so it must be dealt with the engineering work.8.The north area is easy to arose the earth hole and the collapse by the strong rainfall because of the covered physiognomy. That’s dangerous to the airport,so the respongding measures must be gave:l)To make sure the quality and the flux of the Wsazhuang springs, advise to change is folwing ways;2)Dealt with the big pipeling, we can adopt the strong rammer to deal with the collapse can raise the intensity of the land and reduce more collapse;3)Adopt the measure of strong rammer or grouting to aviod the surface water leak into the hole or the groundwater erode the earth; 4)Adopt the strong rammer to deal with the hole.

  • 【分类号】P642.25
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】402

