

Jadeite Jade’s Color Shape and the Process of Post-stack Formation Change

【作者】 楚亚婷

【导师】 陶专; 刘显凡;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿物学、岩石学、矿床学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 翡翠作为一种优质的玉石,是以辉石族矿物为主要矿物的辉石族矿物集合体,属于岩石学范畴。在商业中,翡翠是指具有工艺价值和商业价值,达到宝石级硬玉岩和绿辉石岩的总称。翡翠具有颜色艳丽且变化丰富,质地坚硬致密,光泽漂亮,韧性良好等特性。这都归因于其矿物、岩石学特征。翡翠因它优良的宝石学特征而赢得人们的青睐和追捧,被誉为“玉石之王”。翡翠是一种特殊类型的变质岩,结构类型变化繁多。本文从翡翠结构的世代、矿物的颗粒大小、形态、相互接触关系分类和成因分析上对翡翠结构进行研究。翡翠结构总体特征表现其形成经历了多期多阶段的变质作用,如变质重结晶作用、交代变质作用、动力变质作用,因而形成了其复杂的矿物组分和结构特征。动力变质作用是使翡翠质地多样化的直接原因。翡翠的结构中以受过动力变质作用的变形结构较为特征,其主体结构是细粒-纤维状变晶结构。受过强烈剪应力和韧性变形而形成的糜棱结构是形成优质翡翠的主要结构。其次为区域变质的变晶结构和热液蚀变的交代变晶结构。翡翠的颜色种类较多且成因复杂。翡翠的颜色有白色、无色、绿色、红色、黄色、紫色、黑色、灰色等,其中最常见的是绿色,品种也最多,也最名贵。在影响翡翠价值的所有因素中,颜色是决定翡翠价值的首要因素;而结构是决定翡翠质量的关键因素之一,直接决定着质地的美观性,而且对透明度也有直接的影响,透明度对颜色又会产生依托的效果;由此可见,翡翠颜色的分布、形态,颜色的深浅等都与其结构存在必然的关系。在大量查阅前人的研究资料中,甚少发现有关于将翡翠颜色和结构相结合起来讨论的资料。翡翠由于形成作用的不同而具有变化多端的颜色,而人工处理的介入使翡翠的颜色更加复杂难辨。因此在综合前人研究的基础上,本文提出对翡翠的颜色进行成因分类,将翡翠的颜色按其生成的先后分为原生色和叠加色。原生色是指翡翠形成过程中因致色离子呈色。而原生色之后形成的颜色都统称为叠加色。叠加色包括天然的叠加色和后期人工致色。天然的叠加色就是次生色,是翡翠在表生地质作用过程中形成的颜色,主要是次生矿物充填于矿物颗粒间或裂隙之中而使翡翠呈色。人工致色是通过人工处理的方法对含杂质较多或劣质的翡翠改色或添色。本文采用电子探针分析硬玉化学成分,结合紫外-可见-近红外光吸收谱分析探讨各种颜色的成因机制。呈色的矿物可以是多种(包括绿辉石、钠铬辉石、蓝闪石等),硬玉呈现绿色是由于含有适量的Cr3+所致,同时它也是形成高品质绿色翡翠的主要原因。硬玉晶格中Fe、Mg对翡翠颜色的贡献不大,一般它们单独不会使硬玉呈色,只会影响翡翠的绿色中出现偏蓝、发灰的色调。翡翠的紫色也是因为硬玉中含致色离子,本文认为硬玉呈紫色是由Mn3+所致,并且紫色的形成应早于绿色或同时形成。翡翠的白色、无色、绿色(灰绿色除外)及紫色都是翡翠的原生色,而黄色、黄褐色、红色、红褐色被称为“翡色”,是次生色。人工致色一般是添加红色、绿色和紫色,其中以绿色染色翡翠最难辨认。本文从翡翠的结构和颜色形成机制过渡到原生色和叠加色的变化过程的论述,并对翡翠各个色系颜色的变化过程提出自己的看法,探讨翡翠颜色的多期次叠加过程,进而概括出翡翠颜色叠加的规律,对其形成的地质作用进行初步探讨。

【Abstract】 Jadeite Jade, as a kind of Jade with high quality, which formed by Pyroxene as the main mineral aggregate, pertain to petrology category. Jadeite Jade is the general designation of Jadeitite and Omphacites which obtain precious Jade level, and it has technic value and commercial value in commerce. Also, it has many excellent gemological characteristic, such as gorgeous and changefully color, the tightness and the hardness of its texture, beautiful luster and good toughness. Those characteristics attribute to its mineralogical and petrological characteristics. Jadeite Jade famed as "the king of jade" is popular with people causes it’s excellent gemological characteristic.Jadeite Jade is a special kind of metamorphic rock with variable texture type. The paper study the texture of Jade from the Generation of Jade’s texture, grain size, crystal morphology, inter-contract relationship group of minerals and genetic analysis. The general structural characteristic of Jade express it’s formation undergo multistage metamorphism, such as metamorphic recrystallization, metasomatic metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism, and formed complex mineral composition and texture. Dynamic metamorphism is the direct cause made quality of Jade varied. Deformation structure with fine grain-filiform crystalloblastic texture as the main structure, which undergone dynamic metamorphism, is special in all types of Jadeite. The main textures of high quality Jadeite contain the following texture types: First, mylonitic texture which undergo intense shearing stress and ductile deformation. Secondly, crystalloblastic texture (formed in regional metamorphism) and metasomatic crystalloblastic texture (formed in hydrothermal alternation).The color-causing of Jadeite Jade is complex and of varieties. Jade’s color obtain white, colorless, green, red, yellow, purple, black and grey, etc. The modal Jadeite has green color and various varieties, it’s also the most costly Jadeite. In all the elements which influence the value of Jade, color is the first element; while texture is the critical factor influencing the quality of Jadeite Jade, which decide the beautiful and transparency Jade directly, and color depend on transparency. So, the distribution of color, morphology, color’s dark and light of Jadeite Jade has necessary relationship with it’s texture. In abundant predecessor’s document, there are seldom record combined color and texture and discussion. The different formation effect of Jade could make the variety of Jade’s color. And the man-made would change the Jade’s color, too. Therefore, based on predecessor’s study to make genetic classification of Jadeite’s color, and put forward a theory that the Jade’s color can be divided into original color and superposition-color. The original coloration is due to the formation of Jade’s color to the color hydronium. The color formed after the original colors are collectively referred to superposition-color. It includes natural superposition-color and man-made color. Natural superposition-color means secondary origin color, formed in hypergene geologic process, in which secondary minerals fill intergranular of minerals or crack, thereby Jadeite Jade present restrictive color. Man-made color methods depend on changing or adding the color of Jadeite which contain more impurity or inferior. This paper used electron probe analyses chemical components. And combine to the ultraviolet-visible-near infrared absorption spectrum and analyse the color-causing mechanism of multicolor. Minerals which present color has various kinds (including Omphacite, Kosmochlor, Glaucophane, etc), Jadeitite present green color for it contain appropriate amount of Cr3+, also the main reason forming high quality green Jadeite. Fe、Mg in crystal lattice of Jadeitite did not have much contribution to Jadeite’s color, they can not make Jadeite present color individual, only influence the green color in jadeite appear blue or grey partially. The purple color of Jadeite Jade is the reason that Jadeite contain ion which make it present color. Based on analyses and study, it conclude that Jadeite present purple for the Mn3+. And purple color should be formed earlier than green color or formed simultaneous. White, colorless, green (except grey green) and purple are the original color of Jadeite, while yellow, drab, red, redish brown are called "jade’s red color", means secondary origin color. Man-made color usually add red, green and purple on Jadeite, especially the green colored jadeite is the most difficult to recognize.This article from the Jade’s structure and color mechanism for the formation of the transition to color the original color and superposition-color’s state. And make my opinion about the cause of the color. Then discuss the superposition process of the multistage of Jade’s color, summarize the regular of superposition-color of Jadeite, and discuss the geologic function in which it’s formation.

【关键词】 翡翠结构原生色叠加色
【Key words】 Jadeite Jade textureoriginal colorsuperposition-color
  • 【分类号】P619.28
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】850

