

Nonlinear Predictive Control Design of the Generator

【作者】 唐桂花

【导师】 竺炜;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 改善与提高电力系统运行的稳定性对电力系统安全运行及国民经济建设有十分重要的意义。同步发电机的励磁和汽门控制是改善电力系统稳定性的有效措施,如何将不断发展的控制理论应用到发电机控制中来,是大部分学者很长一段时间来研究的主题。有关这方面的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,但仍有许多问题有待解决。本文将预测控制理论的基本原理应用于发电机的控制设计中,提出了新的非线性预测控制设计规律。论文的主要研究工作和取得的成果如下:介绍了发电机励磁、汽门调速系统控制的研究成果,总结了预测控制理论的发展和现状,浅析了目前发电机控制中还存在的问题。针对这些问题,本文在模型算法控制(MAC)的基础上,分析了现在一般理论上常用的基于Taylor级数法的非线性预测控制的设计原理,并推导得到了基于Taylor级数法的非线性预测控制规律(TMAC)。在进一步研究中,本文以扩大信息量为主旨,改变预测方法,将Adams预测方法应用到预测控制中,得到了基于Adams方法的MAC非线性预测控制规律(AMAC)。针对单输入单输出的仿射非线性系统,在单机-无穷大系统环境下将上述两种控制手段应用于同步发电机励磁系统控制和凝汽式汽轮发电机汽门调速控制中。考虑到Adams方法的特点,分别选取发电机机端电压偏差? Ut、角速度偏差?ω及其导数?ω&的组合形式为输出函数,得到了Taylor级数法和Adams方法的MAC非线性预测励磁/汽门控制规律。最后将上述两种方法得出的控制规律进行对比,证明了Adams方法的MAC非线性预测控制(AMAC)比Taylor级数法的非线性预测控制(TMAC)有更好的控制效果,改善了发电机的输出特性,提高了系统的稳定性。

【Abstract】 It is very important for the operating security of a power system and the national economics to improve and enhance the stability of the power system. The excitation control and valve control of synchronous generator are effective measures in improving stability of power system, so it has been being investigated for a long time that how to apply these developing effective control theories to generator control by many scholars. Researchers have done many works and obtained many achievements, but there still have many questions must to be done. In this paper, applying the predictive control theory to the generator control, a new nonlinear predictive control law is proposed.The main works and the studying achievements are follows: the research productions in the excitation control and valve control of generator are introduced; the developments and actuality are summarized; the questions of control design for the generator are analyzed. Aiming at the questions, on the basis of Model Algorithmic Control the paper presented a ecumenical common nonlinear predictive control law which is based on Taylor progression in theory, and the nonlinear predictive control law based on Taylor progression(TMAC) has acquired. In the further research, aiming at the limitation of Taylor progression and the object of enlarge information, similarly, on the basis of Model Algorithmic Control, the paper presented the nonlinear predictive control law which is base on Adams predictive (AMAC). Aiming at SISO nonlinear control system, and on the condition of Single-machine infinite-bus power system, the above-mentioned control laws are applied to design the excitation control for torque-synchronous generator and valve control for condensing turbine generator in Single-machine infinite-bus power system, similarly, considering the specialty of the Adams predictive method, terminal voltage deviation ? Ut、the linear combination of terminal voltage deviation ?ωand its differential coefficient ?ω& are selected as output functions, then nonlinear predictive excitation control and valve control laws based on Taylor progression and Adams predictive method are acquired. Finally, the laws are compared and it could be proved that the AMAC has better control effect than TMAC, the output characteristics of the generator are improved, the stability of the power system are enhanced.

  • 【分类号】TM762
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】201

