

Pavement Evaluation and Measurement Technic of Highway’s Reconstruction and Extension Engineerings

【作者】 褚晨枫

【导师】 刘朝晖; 秦仁杰;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近二十年来,我国高速公路建设成就令世人瞩目,截至到2007年底,全国已建成高速公路5.36万km,其中大部分为4车道[1]。随着经济的发展和公路使用时间的延长,某些高速公路已经不能满足交通要求,需扩大通行能力,增加车道数。在高等级公路的修补、改扩建任务日益繁重的背景下,本文在传统的以路面养护为目的的评价指标体系的基础上,考虑旧路罩面及加铺的工程实际需要,充分利用新型无损检测手段,引入动态参数对路面工作性能进行评定,并利用灰色聚类理论对旧路性能进行评价及分类。指导旧路综合利用,为改扩建工程的决策制定提供科学的依据。首先,综合分析国内外现行的旧路路面的检测与评价的基本方法和思想,提出本文的研究内容及技术路线。然后,根据现行的《公路沥青路面养护技术规范》,结合改扩建的实际情况,对道路交通资料、路面破损状况、路面结构强度、路面平整度及路面抗滑性能等多项检测内容及其计算与分析进行了说明。详细介绍路面无损检测设备中落锤式弯沉仪(FWD)和探地雷达(GPR)的应用机理及近年来在路面检测中的应用状况。本文接着分析传统的路面性能评价方法,路面的实际工作状态与现行的静态力学体系有着较大的差距,无法真实、全面地体现路面的受力特性和结构的工作状况,故需采用动态参数体系进行路面评价。分析国内外几种沥青混合料动态模量反演方法,提出了由FWD弯沉盆数据,运用面积法正算法得到路面面层动态模量,再结合实体工程对路面结构承载力进行评价。最后,分析在现行的沥青路面强度评价中,采用路面的整体承载能力指数(SSI)作为评价指标而未对沥青混合料的模量进行考虑,是不能全面反映旧路结构的实际承载能力。建立基于路面面层动态模量的评价指标PMI,对旧路路面结构强度进行评价。根据PCI、PMI建立基于灰色聚类的评价模型,再结合探地雷达对基层的检测结果,指导旧路综合利用,科学制定改扩建方案。

【Abstract】 In the recent twenty years, the highway construction of our country is compelling. The total length has exceeded 53 thousand kilometers, which the majority are four lanes. But along with the development of economy and the time of highway operation prolong, the situation of some highway is not good, need to enlarge the traffic capacity, and increase the lane. Considering the growing tasks of highway rebuilding, The dissertation, basing on the traditional evaluation guideline methods which aim at pavement maintain, combining the pavement covering and adding surface field practice, has done research on the evaluation of the pavement performance and introduced dynamical index and new Nondestructive test technology. Pavement performance was evaluated and classified using Grey cluster theory. Guiding comprehensive utilization of old road, and it would be helpful to the research on the pavement extension and reconstruction.Firstly, The dissertation introduces the essence ideology of the pavement evaluation and measurement methods among national and abroad. The key points, the research content and the technique route of the dissertation have also been presented.Secondly, according to the current specifications for maintenance of highway asphalt pavement, the research in calculation and analysis of the road traffic data, pavement distress, structural strength of pavement, pavement evenness, anti sliding performance of pavement, many detection terms etc. The mechanism and field appliance status of such Nondestructive equipment as FWD and GRP have been introduced detailedly.Thirdly, analysis on the traditional method of pavement performance evaluation, the practical working state of pavement is difference with current static mechanical system, can not reflect the force characteristics and structure working situation of pavement completely, reality. So, need using dynamical index in pavement evaluation. Analysis some dynamic modulus inversion method of asphalt mixture at home and abroad, propose application area positively algorithm to get pavement surface layer dynamic modulus from FWD deflection basins, combining engineering instance to evaluate the bearing capacity of pavement structure.At last, research on the SSI as pavement whole bearing capability index do not considering asphalt mixture dynamic modulus in the current pavement evaluation, can not reflect actual condition completely. Establish PMI index based on pavement surface layer dynamic modulus to evaluate structural strength of pavement. According to PCI and PMI, establish evaluation model based on Grey cluster theory, combined with pavement base construction detection results by GPR, guiding comprehensive utilization of old road, making the plan of pavement extension and reconstruction scientifically.

  • 【分类号】U418.6
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】765

