

Study of Large-power Bistable Electromagnetic Valve and Its Drives Circuit in the Railroad Turnout Control System

【作者】 王维

【导师】 李鸿;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过研究和总结当前国内外铁道道岔控制大功率双稳态电磁阀的现状,分析当前工程应用中常见电磁阀的优点与不足,创造性的设计了一款大功率双稳态电磁阀及其外围控制驱动电路。目前铁道道岔控制中常见的国产电磁阀开启力最大一般在400N左右,响应时间为10ms级,与国外先进水平有一定的差别,有待提高。本文从电磁原理和电动力学着手,设计了一款新型电磁阀,包括永磁部分和电磁部分。在设计中,永磁和电磁两部分根据磁场计算、仿真进行最优化组合。当阀体线圈不通电时,在永磁铁作用下,电磁阀能保持需要的状态;当阀体线圈通电工作并运行于开启状态时,驱动器接收到正向触发信号,正向电流通过阀体线圈,产生正向电磁力,此时永磁磁力与电磁力方向一致,两磁力合力作用阀芯输出,实现电磁阀开启工作;当控制系统发出换向指令时,驱动器接收到反向触发信号,驱动电流快速换向,阀体线圈工作状态正好与开启过程相反,从而永磁体和阀体线圈产生与开启状态相反的合力,实现电磁阀的换向工作。通过磁场理论计算,并严格按照磁路分布曲线、整体应力布局曲线实物建模,辅以Ansoft软件仿真,本设计最终将电磁阀设计结构合理化、各项设计参数最优化。同时由于大功率的需要,本设计采用高速通断器的控制方式。辅以增加电流综合保护及其它保护功能。系统的储能性和可靠性得到了很大提升。经过试验,结果表明:大功率双稳态电磁阀永磁和电磁两部分结构取得最优化组合方式,磁力线布局合理、有效磁场整体应力作用趋于最大化;电磁阀响应时间有了很大的突破,接近ms级;在开启时间理想状态下,初步开启力达到换向工作力为580N。较好的完成了预期设计目标,在前人的基础上有所创新。另外,对通入大电流时,设计上充分考虑了电磁干扰、电路可靠性等因素,尽量做到兼顾阀体大功率特性的同时,控制系统响应状态良好,能达到预期目标,从而使双稳态电磁阀具有良好的动态性能和理想的输出力。

【Abstract】 Based on the previous studies and researches on the status of large-power bistable electromagnetic valve in and out of China, this study analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of large-power electromagnetic valve in current project applications, and creatively designed a new electromagnetic valve and its outer drives circuit.The starting power of a common electromagnetic valve can reach 400N, which is much lower than those used abroad. In addition, the response time is much longer. The authors of this paper have successfully designed a new type of electromagnetic valve including a permanent magnet part and a electromagnet part, based on electromagnetic and electro-dynamic theories.Based on a large amount of magnetic theoretical calculations, the initial model has been set up, which is supplemented by Ansoft magnetic field simulation. The designers have been in strict accordance with the distribution of the magnetic circuit simulation curve and the overall stress distribution curves. The structure of solenoid valve has been greatly rationalized and optimized. At the same time, further tests have been carried out in order to restructure and improve magnetic Road, and thus to ensure that all design parameters are accurate. At the same time, because of a need for high-power, this design employed high-voltage circuit breakers as a control method to enforce the current breaker protection and other related protections. Based on a large amount of magnetic theoretical calculations, the initial model has been set up, which is supplemented by Ansoft magnetic field simulation.The designers have been in strict accordance with the distribution of the magnetic circuit simulation curve and the overall stress distribution curves. The structure of solenoid valve has been greatly rationalized and optimized. At the same time, further tests have been carried out in order to restructure and improve magnetic Road, and thus to ensure that all design parameters are accurate. At the same time, because of a need for high-power, this design employed high-voltage circuit breakers as a control method to enforce the current breaker protection and other related protections.In this way, system storage ability and reliability have been greatly improved. What’s more, response time of bitable electromagnetic valve has been shortened, which is close to ms grade. With regard to the opening force, under an ideal condition, the initial pressure is around 580N. So this better design is very innovative comparing to the previous studies and applications. ANSOFT simulation experiments and theoretical calculations show that this design is more reasonable, and the structure of permanent magnet part and electromagnetic part is optimized to a greatest extent. The layout of magnetic line is also reasonable, and effective role of the magnetic field tends to maximize the overall stress; In addition, the design fully taken into account the impact of electromagnetic, circuit reliability and other factors, when the current is large. The power system meets the requirements of the project and the control system works in good conditions. This design has achieved the expected goal to make bitable electromagnetic valve in good dynamic performance.

【关键词】 双稳态大功率电磁阀ANSOFT仿真
【Key words】 large-powerbistableelectromagnetic valveansoft simulation
  • 【分类号】U213.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】162

