

Impact of Coal Gangue Highway Embankment on Surrounding Soil and Groundwater Environment

【作者】 熊琼

【导师】 阳军生;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 岩土工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年来利用煤矿废料煤矸石作为高速公路路堤填料的工程日渐增多,由于煤矸石中有害物质在雨水的淋溶和浸泡作用下可能析出,因而煤矸石路堤对公路沿线地下水和土壤环境的影响也越来越受到关注。河南省济源至东明高速公路获嘉至新乡段采用了沿线煤矿的煤矸石作为路堤填料,为了研究所用煤矸石中有害物质在雨水的淋溶和浸泡作用下析出从而对沿线地下水和土壤可能造成的污染,对其中有害物质组分进行了检测,通过室内煤矸石淋溶试验、浸泡试验及现场路堤浸泡试验等方法研究煤矸石中有害元素的析出机理,同时还对竣工一年后的道路沿线水体及土壤样品中有害物质进行了检测,可得出以下结论:参照《农田灌溉水质标准》和《土壤环境质量标准》此煤矸石路堤周围地下水均未超标,但是土壤样品中镉元素普遍超标;参照《生活饮用水卫生标准》及土壤环境背景值,此煤矸石路堤周围地下水及土壤样品个别指标超标,特别是溶解性总固体和镉元素。为了进一步预测煤矸石路堤中有害微量重金属元素锌在地下水和土壤系统中的运移范围及浓度,应用有限元程序HYDRUS 2D对煤矸石路堤淋溶液中的锌元素在地下水和土壤系统中的运移及吸附进行了模拟,同时将一年后的模拟结果与水体和土壤样品实测数值进行对比分析。模拟结果显示九年左右地下水和土壤中的锌含量将达到最大值,期间地下水体及土壤中锌含量均没有超标,但是由于植物摄取及施工扬尘等影响使得锌元素在地表土层富集,土壤中锌的含量将高于当地土壤环境背景值。在上述研究的基础上,提出了煤矸石路堤水土环境影响评价的方法及防治对策。

【Abstract】 With the development of highway engineering used coal gangue as a roadbed filling material, the impact of coal gangue on surrounding soil and groundwater environment has caught more and more attention because the harmful substances in coal gangue may be dissolved out by leaching and soaking of rainwater.The embankment of the region from Huojia to Xinxiang along Jiyuan-Dongming highway in Henan Province is a coal gangue embankment. In order to research the potential pollution on surrounding soil and groundwater environment of coal gangue used in this highway, a series of experimental works on the harmful substances in coal gangue are conducted, including chemical composition tests, indoor leaching and soaking experiments, immersing test of coal gangue embankment at the scene. The test of harmful substances in the soil and groundwater along the highway has been carried out a year later after the completion of the road. The results indicate that the harmful substances except for Cd in these samples all complied with national quality standards for soil and irrigation, but several index of these samples, especially total dissolved solids(TDS) and Cd, were overproofed according to the background value of soil environment and the national quality standard for drinking water. In order to further predict the spread range of the harmful trace elements heavy metal of coal gangue embankment in soil and groundwater environment, HYDRUS-2D model was set up to investigate the influence depth of zinc(Zn) in the soil and groundwater in ten years. The relative analysis of simulated result and measured values of these soil and water samples for one year later at the same time. The simulated results showed that the contents of zinc in soil and water will reach maximum about nine years later and will not overproof in ten years. But the contents of zinc in the topsoil will be higher than the local environmental background values because of plant uptake and fine dust contaminate during construction. At last Enviromental Impact Assessment and some countermeasures of coal gangue embankment are put forward.

  • 【分类号】U414;X820.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】306

