

The Experimental Study on Energy-saving & Multi-function Concrete Perforated Brick Masonry

【作者】 徐生

【导师】 杨伟军;

【作者基本信息】 长沙理工大学 , 结构工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,混凝土多孔砖作为一种环保、节能的新型墙体材料,在我国已大力推广应用,并取得良好的社会效益、经济效益和环保效益。但单一材料的混凝土多孔砖很难满足国家提出的节能要求,故本文提出了一种节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖。节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖是一种集承重、保温、装饰等功能于一体的混凝土多孔砖,这种新型墙体材料可以很好的与国家墙改工作有机结合,推动墙体材料改革的发展,具有更明显的社会效益和经济效益。为了使节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖能更好的推广应用,本文进行了以下几个方面的研究:1.对节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖及其砌体的基本力学性能进行了试验研究。其中包括单砖抗压、抗折强度和砌体抗压强度、抗剪强度试验研究。提出了双向抗折对节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖的必要性;通过对试验数据处理分析,得出α、k1、k5参数值,为节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖砌体抗压、抗剪设计提供依据。2.对节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖构件轴心受压、偏心受压进行了试验研究。其中对轴心受压只做验证性研究,指出该类砖轴心受压构件可依现行规范进行设计;对构件偏心受压承载力进行了比较深入的研究,分析了其破坏的机理。对于偏心受压构件主要有三种破坏形式:a)达到一定承载力时,由于构件中某些块体的强度破坏而引起构件的破坏,也可称为强度破坏;b)由于构件形成薄板后失稳破坏,也可称为局部失稳破坏;c)由于附加偏心距的作用而引起的整体失稳破坏。在考虑了这三种破坏形态后,本文提出了计算节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖构件偏心受压的承载力计算公式3.37式。3.对节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖构件进行了一般墙段中部局部均匀受压、一般墙段边缘局部均匀受压、一般墙段端部局部均匀受压等三种形态的局部均匀受压试验研究。从力的扩散和“套箍”作用两个方面分析了三种形态局部受压的工作机理。对试验数据回归分析处理,给出了此类砖构件的局部均匀受压强度提高系数。4.运用ANSYS软件热分析模块,对节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖墙体的简化模型进行了数值模拟分析,并将模拟结果与民用建筑热工设计规范计算值和测定出的墙体传热系数相比较,指出本文简化的模型及假设是符合实际的。在最后给出了适合夏热冬冷地区节能型多功能混凝土多孔砖墙体做法的推荐方案。

【Abstract】 In recent years,concrete perforated brick as a new wall material which has the function of environmental protection and energy-saving has being vigorously promoted.And good effectiveness of social,economic and environmental has been made.But a single material of concrete perforated brick hardly meets the requirements of energy saving in our nation,so in this paper,an energy-saving multifunctional concrete perforated brick is put forward.Energy-saving multifunctional concrete perforated brick is a concrete perforated brick which integrates the functions of bearing,insulation,decorative.This new wall material can combine very well with the national wall materials innovation work,and promote the development of wall materials reform,it has a more obvious social and economic benefits.In order to get good application and extension of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick,the main work is as follows.1.The basic mechanical properties of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick and masonry were studied.Including tests of compressive strength of single brick,rupture strength of single brick,compressive strength of masonry and shear strength of masonry.The necessity of two-way bending of the brick was proposed.By analyzing of the test data,the parameter values ofα、k1、k5 were get, which provided a basis for the design of masonry compressive,shear of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick.2.The axial compression and eccentric compression of components of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick were studied.The test of axial compression was confirmatory study,which pointed out that currently code can be based when axial compression component designed.A more in-depth study of capacity of eccentric compression component is carried out,failure mechanisms were analyzed.To eccentric compression component there are three forms of damage:a)to a certain capacity,the intensity destruction of block caused damage to components,it also can be called intensity damage;b)Because of the formation of thin plates, component became instability;it may also known as partial instability destruction;c) The overall instability damage was caused by the role of additional eccentricity.In consideration of three patterns the destruction,in this paper,the formula 3.37 for eccentric compression component bearing capacity of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick was put forward.3.The central partial uniform compression of general wall,the marginal partial uniform compression of general wall,the end partial uniform compression of general wall of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick components were studied.The work of three partial uniform compression forms is studied by using the diffusion of stress and "confinement" affection theories.Regression analysis of the test data,strength increased coefficient of partial uniform compression was given.4.By using the thermal analysis modules of ANSYS software,a simplified wall model of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick was numerical simulation analyzed.Simulation results,values which were calculated based on Thermal design code for civil building and heat transfer coefficients of wall were compared.It is pointed out that the simplified model and the assumption in this paper were realistic.In final,recommended schemes of energy-saving multi-functional concrete perforated brick wall which suit hot summer and cold winter areas were given.

  • 【分类号】TU364
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】259

