

Study on Application of Unmanned Remote Sensing Vehicle (URSV) in Forest Survey

【作者】 李宇昊

【导师】 游先祥;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 林业调查工作是新时期现代林业建设的重要基础性工作,近年来,林业调查技术得到了长足的发展,“3S”技术以及相关设备的应用,有效的提高了林业调查效率和技术水平,总结了大量研究理论和实践经验,极大的促进了林业现代化建设。但是,随着现代林业建设对林业调查工作要求的不断提高,目前,以卫星遥感影像主要为数据源的调查方法已经难以完全满足应用部门对高动态、高精度、低成本调查成果的要求。同时,卫星遥感技术自身还存在分辨率低、价格昂贵等不足。针对这些问题,本论文以大量试验为基础,采用基于外方位元素几何解析的航空三角测量技术,对无人遥感飞机图像进行正射投影校正,通过对比分析试验数据与实测数据,研究无人遥感飞机图像的测绘性能和林业调查能力,探索了在不同地形条件下,无人遥感飞机图像的几何校正精度,并根据研究结果,初步评估和探究了未来无人飞机遥感技术在林业遥感领域中的定位。试验结果证明,无人遥感飞机可以作为地面人工调查的有效替代工具,是卫星遥感和传统航空遥感技术的重要补充,无人遥感飞机的应用符合低成本、高分辨率、高精度的要求。试验证明,无人遥感飞机在对平坦地形进行航拍时,可以在不采集地面控制点的情况下通过正射几何校正,获取符合全国营造林综合核查技术要求的航拍图像和调查因子;在山区地形条件下,无人飞机遥感图像可以在地形图和少量地面控制点的情况下定位造林地块,并准确提取调查因子。综合参考国内外无人遥感飞机在军事、国土、农业、气象等领域的应用情况,初步分析了无人飞机遥感技术在一类调查、二类调查、森林病虫害防治等工作中应用的可行性,提出了应用建议,明确了下一步研究内容。

【Abstract】 As an important basic work of forest on new century; the technologies of forest survey have been developed sufficiency in recent years. Application of "3S" and relevant equipments improved the quality of forest survey efficiency; we have got a lot of theory and experience. But, method mainly based on satellite RS date will unable to meet the need of high-dynamic、high-precision and lower price of government users. Satellite remote sensing technology also has any defect. Based on plenty of experiment, by using "Supported Aerial Triangulation" method, this paper contrasting and analyzing the different between orthophotomap and measurement data, try to test the URSV’s performance on forest survey in different terrain. Finally, this paper forecast the technological positioning of URSV.As a result of experiment, URSV will be an effectual tool to replace ground survey, application of URSV will be cheaper and efficiency. Experiment date proved, URSV can get high-precision orthophotomap on condition of even terrain without any ground control points, it can also orientate the forest land by using topographic map.Refer to the application situation of URSV all over the world; this paper estimated the application feasibility of the URSV on the National Forest Resources Inventory, the second type inventory and forecast of forest pests, and so on. Corroding to this, we have mapped out the next research goal.


