

Natural Degree Assessing and Ecological Restoration of Riparian Zone in the Suburb of Beijing

【作者】 陈子珊

【导师】 高甲荣;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 恢复和重建人为干扰导致的退化河岸带生态系统是目前恢复生态学、流域生态学等学科研究的重要内容之一。河岸带退化主要表现在结构的不稳定化和功能的退化。河岸带生态系统的自然性评价,就是对由人类活动引起的河岸带生态系统的退化程度进行诊断,以此发出预警,为管理者、决策者提供目标依据,更好地利用、保护和管理好河岸带。河岸带自然性评价是河溪近自然治理中的重要部分。建立指标体系对河岸带自然性状况进行评价,不仅有助于提高河岸带管理质量,而且可以提供不同河溪之间进行比较的基准,同时,还可评估受损河岸带生态恢复的成效,从而提高管理决策能力。为了探讨河岸带在人为干扰影响下的退化程度,借鉴国内外在生态恢复方面的研究成果,结合北京郊区的具体情况,采用野外调查与定量分析相结合的方法,以安达木河上游河岸带作为参考河岸带,通过对河岸特性、自然条件、河岸生物特性、人类活动进行系统调查,在大量野外调查数据的基础上,采用模糊综合评价方法,构建河岸带自然性评价体系,并对参考河岸带河岸带自然性进行评价,初步探讨不同河溪利用方式对河岸带植物多样性的影响,分析主要影响因素,为河岸带生态恢复提供理论和技术支持。得出的结论如下:(1)建立评价体系。从结构(18个指标)和功能(13个指标)两方面选则相互匹配的31个指标,将河岸带生态系统的自然性分为以下四个等级:Ⅰ未受到人为干扰(自然状态);Ⅱ受到轻微人为干扰(近自然状态);Ⅲ受到剧烈人为干扰(退化状态);Ⅳ完全人工化(极度退化状态)。(2)以安达木河上游河岸带为例,利用该评价体系对其进行评价,其结果表明,安达木河上游河岸带处于近自然状态,与定性分析的结果一致。说明该评价体系可行。(3)主要干扰因素。安达木河上游河溪(含河岸带)利用划分为耕种、养殖、修渠坝及引水、修建水库、旅游、造人工林和自然保护区7种方式,其中,养殖、修建水库等利用方式造成了河岸带植被结构的单一化,物种丰富度低、多样性差且不均匀,可以认为是人为干扰引起的退化。而自然保护区内的河岸带不仅植被结构完整,物种丰富度高,植物多样性较好而且均匀度高,可以作为河岸带自然性评价的本底值。(4)生态恢复主要植物选择。北京郊区河岸带主要的优势树种包括柳(Salix)、杨(Populus)、榆(Ulmus)等,这些种类多数有对抗或逃避干扰的能力,并具有高产和损坏后很强的再生能力,适宜作为生物工程护岸可选择的植物种。

【Abstract】 Restoration and reconstruction of degraded riparian ecosystem caused by natural and anthropogenic disturbances is one of the important issues in restoration ecology and watershed ecology. The degradation of riparian ecosystem appeared as the instabiliting of its structure and the invalidation of its functions. Natural degree assessing is an important issue in stream restoration and establishing an assessing index is necessary.To discussing the degradation degree of riparian zone in the influences of human disturbing, this paper has presented the assessment theory and method of riparian zone ecosystem. The full-around definition and the function of riparian zone has been expressed and descripted. On the base of the feature of riparian zone, the comprehensive assessment includes structure stability assessment, and functional service assessment. There are many influent factors on these assessments. After these influent factors had been known, the assessment index system could have been constructed. Because of the hierarchy and fuzzy characteristic of the index system, the hierarchy-fuzzy method has been applied, and the assessment models have been formed.(1) The near-natural assessment system of small scale riparian zone ecosystems use the researches in natural conditions to be reference sites, and evaluate the near-natural degree of structures and functions of degraded small scale riparian zone ecosystems which is disturbed by human activities or sudden natural changes. The near-natural assessment system of small scale riparian zone in the suburb of Beijing is on the base of plentiful field data, choosing 18 structure indicators and 13 function indicators to construct the assessment index system. it The near-natural degrees of riparian zone ecosystem can be devided into four grades:Ⅰnatural grade ( no artificial disturbs);Ⅱnear-natural grade (minimal artificial disturbs );Ⅲdegraded natural grade ( serious artificial disturbs);Ⅵcomplete man-made grade.(2) The natural assessment system of riparian zone ecosystem in suburb of Beijing is used to assess Undamu River riparian zones.It offers the necessary suggestions to the riparian environment protection.(3) Human activity disturbing represent as the stream use. Degenerated riparian zone represent as the decreasing or disappearing of vegetation. The paper compartmentalized the stream use to seven parts, they are culture, breed aquatics, trench and dam, reservoir, travel sites, man-made forestry and nature reserve. During these stream use, breed aquatics and reservoir has made the riparian zone structure singleness, and there are high diversity in nature reserve riparian zone.(4) Bioengineering is an effective measure to protect river bank. In this paper, the functions of riparian forest are discussed, and the technologies of ecological riparian protection and their types are stated and on the basis of these principles and investigating results, the fitting woody plants and their peculiarity and propagating technique are provided in detail to be the theoretical foundation for realizing the ecological restoration and scientific management of river resources.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】540

