

The Research on International Competitive Capacity of Bamboo Industry in China

【作者】 任明亮

【导师】 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 国际贸易学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上竹资源和竹产业最发达的国家,竹产业是我国林业产业的重要组成部分。本论文以我国竹产业国际竞争力分析为主线,在介绍并总结其发展现状与研究状况的基础上,结合数年来竹产业的市场表现从显性及隐性两个层面对其国际竞争力实质进行全面而深入的探讨。在显性层面上,通过定量分析,科学的把握竹笋、竹家具、竹编品、竹胶板等产品的竞争业绩情况,并结合木材产业分析资源独占因素对我国竹产业竞争业绩的影响;在隐性层面上,借助九要素模型分析竹产业整体竞争力状况及发展中的深层次问题,总结造成这些问题的原因,并分别从企业、产业和政府三个角度讨论提升我国竹产业竞争力的途径与保障措施。同时,通过对产业竞争力途径的研究,为我国竹产业从整体上实现产业价值链高层次连续提供理论支持。

【Abstract】 Bamboo industry is an important apartment of forestry ecosystem in China, and becomes more and more important during the last 50 years. China is the biggest country in area and production of bamboo in the world. Along with the bamboo rising up over the world, it is necessary to research the international competitive capacity of bamboo industry in China, and well defined the situation of bamboo industry development, then provide a basis for policy making based on it.To analyze the international competitive capacity of China bamboo industry is the key clue of the thesis. On the base of introducing the present situation of it, the international competitive capacity of bamboo industry was discussed from apparent and connotative levels. On apparent layer, the competition performance, strength and potential of main products of bamboo were calculated quantitatively, such as furniture, fabric, veneer and so on; on connotative layer, the whole competitive capacity and inner issues were confirmed through ZhaoDongcheng’s“nine factors model”. On the base of these conclusions, some factors, which may promote the market performance but impede the competitive capacity upgrade, were revealed, and then feasible measures towards corporations, industry and governments were put forward, such as optimizing product structure, upgrading industry international level, perfecting industry policies etc. As a result, domestic and overseas market can be utilized better for our nation’s bamboo industry. At the same time, the nation should develop preponderant bamboo products and meliorate opposite ones to upgrade the international competitive capacity of bamboo industry entirely.

  • 【分类号】F326.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】1057

