

Analysis on the Natural Amenities of Beijing’s Urban Layout

【作者】 王璇

【导师】 瞿志;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 2005年1月,《北京城市总体规划(2004-2020年)》提出将北京建设成为“宜居城市”,并确定了北京“两轴两带多中心”的城市布局。在此城市布局条件下,北京的宜居城市建设还存在很多问题,尤其是在自然环境方面,居民的满意度最低,成为亟待解决的首要问题。本文对各种宜居城市理论进行总结,归纳出一套较为完整的体系框架。针对其中的自然环境舒适度问题,引用资料中的调查数据,从主观和客观两个方面进行分析,并补充比较分析的角度,力争对北京城市布局的自然环境舒适度做出合理的评价,并对未来的发展提出展望和建议,以加速北京市的宜居城市建设。本文在第一章中阐述了研究的背景、内容、框架以及目的意义,并介绍了北京当前城市规划的布局结构。第二章,概述了宜居城市的提出、含义、系统及评价指标体系。提出宜居城市的评价指标体系分为六个方面,本文主要以其中的自然环境舒适度作为研究内容。第三章,结合资料中的调查数据,对北京的自然环境舒适度进行主观和客观的分析。第四章,采用横向比较的评价方法,以北京和伦敦的自然环境舒适度进行比较,得出客观评价结果,并进行分析。第五章,通过以上的分析,提出必要的对策和建议。

【Abstract】 From January 2005,Beijing government brings forward" Livable City"planning and the new urban layout of“two axes-two belts-centers”.But there are so many problems in Beijing’s construction,especially in the aspect of natural environment.Because the residents have a low degree of satisfaction about this aspect.So the natural environment becomes a most important aspect to solve.The paper induces a comprehensive system of Livable City theory,and make a main analysis on natural amenities.Though quoting investigation data the paper analyses the natural amenities from subjective and objective aspect, and supplements the comparing analysis to make the evaluation more comprehensive.In the end, the paper gives suggestions to the urban construction of Beijing. In first chapter, this paper elaborates the background, the content, the frame as well as the significance of the study.In chapter two, the paper states the origin, the concept, the system and the evaluation standard. In chapter three, Though quoting investigation data the paper analyses the natural amenities from subjective and objective aspect.In chapter four, the paper compares the natural amenities of Beijing and London, and analyse the result.In chapter five, the paper gives the essential suggestion.

  • 【分类号】TU984
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】524

