

Study on the Technology of Multil-seasonal Production of Herbaceous Peony Cut Flowers

【作者】 费菲

【导师】 成仿云; 赵孝庆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 芍药(Paeonia lactiflora)是我国的传统名花,切花多季生产是芍药产业化发展的重要组成部分。选择适宜耐贮藏的切花品种是为2008年奥运会提供优良切花的基础,完善的春节促成栽培生产技术及流程是在春节期间提供大量优质芍药鲜切花的根本保证。本研究24个芍药品种为对象,进行低温贮藏并研究了其耐贮藏的特性;针对适宜切花的品种‘桃花飞雪’和‘大富贵’进行了春节促成栽培生产技术及流程的研究,主要研究结果如下:1.依据切花贮藏后,瓶插寿命、花朵直径、开花率、感病率等方面的测定,初步从24个芍药品种中筛选出耐贮藏的品种2个,‘玲珑玉’、‘桃花飞雪’,最长贮藏时间分别达到了130天和120天,‘巧玲’不耐贮藏,最长贮藏时间只有40天。耐贮藏性与品种有直接相关性,与花型、花期和花色没有直接相关性。花朵的开放寿命除了与贮藏时间长短有关以外,周围环境温度是另一个非常重要的因素,温度高开放寿命就缩短,温度低开放寿命就有所延长。2.赤霉素能有效地解除花芽休眠,促进枝叶生长,芍药植株用一定浓度范围的赤霉素处理后,在适宜的温度环境就可萌发生长,而且浓度越高生长速度越快,但是这些植株后期容易发生败育。3.4℃冷藏6-7周能有效地解除‘桃花飞雪’的休眠,并能够顺利成花,提前花期和有益成花率所需的冷藏时间不同。在提前花期方面,冷藏7周最好;在有益成花率方面,冷藏6周最好。4.赤霉素处理能够提高成花率和切花质量,但是最有效的赤霉素浓度与品种有直接相关性,‘桃花飞雪’最有效的赤霉素浓度是200mg/L,‘大富贵’最有效的赤霉素浓度是150mg/L。

【Abstract】 Herbaceous peony(Paeonia lactiflora)is a traditional famous flower in China, and the multi-seasonal production of its cut flowers forms an important part of herbaceous peony industrilasiton. Selecting the proper cultivars endurable for storage lays the foundation of providing abundant high-qualitied cut flowers, as well as the effecitve forcing culture technology and procedure for the Spring Festival. The storage durability of 24 cultivars of herbaceous peony was evaluated by the low-temperature storage experiment; and the technology and procedure of forcing culture for Spring Festival on‘Taohuafeixue’and‘Dafugui’which is feasible for cut flower is studied. The main results are as follows:1.storage-endurable cutivars‘Ling long yu’and‘Tao hua fei xue’, whose storage duration was 130 days and 120 days respectively, was selected from 24 herbaceous peony cultivars according to their vase-life, flower diameter, flower rate and infection rate after low–temperature storage, comparing with‘Qiao ling’, whose storage duration was 40 days. The storage durability is directly related to cultivars, but not directly related to flower type, florescence and flower colour. The environmental temperature is another important factor to vase-life of flower besides storage duration, proved by the prolonged vase-life under lower environmental temperature and vice verse.2.GA3 is effective to release the dormancy of flower bud and promote the branches and leaves grow. Herbaceous peony with GA3 treatment within a certain range of density can germinate and develop under proper temperature, and the growing speed is in positive correlation with GA3 density, but relatively more easily to abort in later stage.3. Dormancy of‘Tao hua fei xue’is released and flowers indution is completed under the condition of 4℃storage for 6-7 weeks. Predating florescence and maximum flower rate require different storage duration respectively: 7 weeks storage is optimum for predating florescence while 6 weeks storage for the latter.4. Flowering rate and qulity of cut flower is improved by GA3 treatment, and the most benefit GA3 density is determined by the particular cultivar: for‘Tao hua fei xue’, it is 200mg/L, and‘Da fu gui’150mg/L.

【关键词】 芍药切花促成栽培赤霉素冷藏
【Key words】 herbaceous peonycut flowerforcing cultureGA3chilling treatment
  • 【分类号】S682.12
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】235

