

Study on Indices System of the Security Management of State Forestry Administration E-Government System

【作者】 张诺

【导师】 王武魁;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从电子政务安全管理理论出发,围绕“国家林业局电子政务安全管理指标体系”这一主题,通过对国家林业局电子政务系统的安全管理需求进行分析,并结合国内外相关研究成果,提出国家林业局电子政务安全管理指标体系。指标体系既有定性分析,又有定量研究。其中,定性分析能对国家林业局电子政务系统的安全管理建设提供全面、细致的参考建议;定量研究能方便工作人员更加科学、准确、具体地把握系统的安全管理现状,在参考定性分析的基础上能够迅速制定出改进安全建设的具体方案。指标体系的三个组成部分相辅相成、环环相扣、缺一不可,既弥补了国家林业局电子政务系统安全管理手段过于片面的不足,又解决了以往研究过于理论化的问题,通过管理的手段解决了技术上无法解决的问题。

【Abstract】 This paper started from the theory of the security management of E-Government system, focusing on the“indices system of the security management of State Forestry Administration E-Government system”. The paper made detailed analysis about the security management demands of the E-Government system of State Forestry Administration, and after deep analysis, the paper put forward the indices system of the security management of State Forestry Administration E-Government system. The indices system combined the method of qualitative analysis and rationed research together. The qualitative analysis could provide comprehensive and detailed advices about the construction of security management. The rationed research could promote the understanding of the status of security management, and quickly made idiographic blue print for improving. The three parts of the indices system is a holistic system, complementing each other. It can make up the unilateral deficiencies of the security management of State Forestry Administration E-Government system, on the other it can solve the problem of theorization, using the method of management to solve problems that technique cannot.

  • 【分类号】D630;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165

