

A Experiment of Improving Seedling Quality for Forestation at Lean Soil and Arid Area

【作者】 郭红艳

【导师】 王百田;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 提高造林质量的方法通常有○1种子包衣造粒技术○2蘸根处理○3抗蒸腾剂的使用○4保湿产品的广泛应用。本次试验从提高苗木栽植前的活性入手,使之利于造林的早期成活和后期生长。为了探索所配置溶液对苗木生长的影响,特选择了北方常用造林树种刺槐和核桃作为试验对象,在栽植前将所选药品配成不同浓度的溶液,对苗木进行蘸根处理,研究幼苗的生长量以及干旱胁迫情况下的不同反应,从而选出最佳配比浓度,得出两种树木的生理差异等,结果表明,并不是所有的处理都对苗木生长量及抗旱性有大的促进作用,而且存在树种差异。经过近三个月的生长量测定观察,发现刺槐叶面积和地径的增加量具有相同的变化趋势,即C>B>A>D>CK,且根系的生长状况具有相似的变化特点,株高的变化趋势为B>C>D>A>CK,四种处理均大于对照;核桃叶面积增加量的变化趋势为B>A>CK>C>D,地径增加量的变化趋势为B>CK>A>D>C,株高增加量的变化趋势为A>CK>B>C>D ,并且通过方差分析与多重比较得出各处理之间差异是否显著。与大田栽植苗木相比,其各项指标均大于后者,原因为前者土壤水分充足,进一步说明水分影响了困难立地植物的生长,认为提高困难立地造林的质量,应从改善植株生存小环境及提高植株本身抗性入手。在后期的干旱胁迫试验中,对苗木的离体叶片失水速率、叶片饱和亏、相对含水量、蒸腾速率与气孔导度的日变化进行测定,苗木表现出的各项性能充分证实了前期试验的结果。对于刺槐而言,除材料e的量选用B中的量外,其他均选用C中的量;对于核桃而言,材料b选用A中的量,材料c,材料d选用B中的量,材料a及材料e的量适当进行调整,如取二者的平均值,以控制造林成本。本次试验结果得出,按每公顷栽植1500棵苗木计算, A处理、B处理、C处理、D处理的造林成本分别为12.40元、20.88元、33.99元、42.58元。改善后刺槐每公顷的造林成本为24.44元,核桃每公顷的造林成本为17.54元。

【Abstract】 The method to improving the quality of forestation generally include○1 fluidized coating method,○2 soaking root,○3 transpiration controlling preparation usage,○4 super-absorbent-polymer application.This paper is researching on how to improving the activity of the seedling before was plannted,and then can growth better and better after plannted in a long time.To explore the collicate liquor’s impact on seedling growth,we choose two common afforestation tree species Robinia pseudoacacia and Juglans regia to be our subjection。Firstly,we configure the choosen material medical to four different concentration, then soaking the seedling’s roots before plannted.the purpose is to study the seedling’s growth and under water stress,their reflection.secondly,summarize which concentration is zhe best,and the difference between the two tree species.the result indicate that not all the dispose has the obverse effect,and exit diversity amone different trees.through nearly three mounths’growth measurement:the Robinia pseudoacacia’s increment of leaf area and diameter have the same currence,The result is C>B>A>D>CK,and the same to the root,the height’s currence is B>C>D>A>CK,the four disposal are all better than the antitheses;the Juglans regia’s increment of leaf area, diameter, height’s currence are as follows: B>A>CK>C>D, B>CK>A>D>C, A>CK>B>C>D; The variance analysis and The result of multiple comparisons shows that ever disposal has distinct diversity.to compose with the Trees plannted in field, the former’s growth index are higher than the latter’s,t he reson is the former has abundance soil water,which indected that the soil water is a key factor in difficult plot. we believe that to improve the quality of forestation in difficult plot,one importment measurement is to ameliorate the small environment of the plannted tree. in the anaphase experimentation, we stop the water supply,and measure the leaf water potent RWC ,WSD and water loss rate of cutting leaves of Robinia pseudoacacia and Juglans regia,and the dural changes of Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance,which has the same result as the prophase experimentation.toward the Robinia pseudoacacia,exclude the material e use the B’s,others are use the C’s, about the Juglans regia, the material b use the A’s, the material c and d use the B’s,adjust the quantity of material a and e,just as choose their average,to control the cost.though calculate,when we plannted 1,500 trees,the cost of disposal A,B,C,D is 12.40 RMB,20.88 RMB,33.99RMB,42.58RMB.The result of this research are the Robinia pseudoacacia’s cost is 27.44 RMB, the Juglans regia’s cost is 17.54 RMB.

  • 【分类号】S728
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】163

