

Study on the Norm System of Water Conservancy Technology in Beijing

【作者】 孙文轩

【导师】 王秀茹; 胡孟;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态环境工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通过对国内外标准化工作的现状分析及对北京市水务技术标准工作的发展现状调查,反映北京市水务技术标准化工作取得了一定的成绩,如北京市正式发布水务行业地方标准26部,批准立项标准16部;但也发现存在一些问题。为了促进北京市水务标准化的进一步发展,保障北京市水务现代化建设,故提出研究构建北京市水务技术标准体系,编制北京市水务技术标准体系表。本次研究通过系统的理论学习及大量的资料收集,对陕西、深圳等水利技术标准化发展技术水平较高的省市进行实地调研,并对北京市水利水电技术中心、北京市水利科学研究所等24家水务单位进行调查和资料收集,在对收集到的资料进行系统分析后,基本摸清了北京市标准的使用情况、存在问题及工作需求,经过多次的征求意见、修改完善,从而建立起北京市水务技术标准体系,由对象及功能纵横两个方向进行分类,将北京市水务系统中所使用的标准进行汇总并准确定位。通过对北京市村镇供水领域的深入研究分析,进行了本领域标准分体系的构建及就其中的一部标准——《村镇供水工程技术导则》,编制初稿,从而总结、分析提出北京市水务技术标准体系构建、以及标准编制的若干结论和建议,为其他领域标准分体系构建、标准编制,以及其他部门或省市编制标准体系提供参考。本次研究补充了北京市水务技术标准化方面的研究疏漏,主要表现在统计并分析了北京市水务系统使用水务技术标准的现状,明确北京市水务技术标准存在的问题,提出某些专业领域需要补充制定标准;并编制了北京市水务技术标准体系表。

【Abstract】 Based on the analysis of the actuality of the norm work of water conservancy technology in Beijing and the standardization work between Cina and overseas countries, the author points out that there are also some problems in the work of water conservancy technology in Beijing even though lost of success achieved (26 local norms was published formally and 16 compiled designedly in water conservancy technology). For achieving the further development of Beijing water conservancy technology, this research is going to establish the norm system in water conservancy and design the table of the system of the norm in water conservancy.Firstly, the research collected the data and studied the knowledge in standardization.And then the team of project went to Shanxi and Shenzhen , some high-level cities in the norm work of water conservancy technology, to study some practial experience.Third, the team went to the 24 departments in system of Beijing water conservancy to collect the data for the next research step.In doing so, the research found out the actuality of norm used in Beijing. After the analysis of all the data, the team of research put the water conservancy technology norm in a proper order by object and function.The norm system of water conservancy technology in Beijing had fulfiled.The norm system of water conservancy technology in Beijing is imaged by the table of the norm system of water conservancy technology. The table points out that there are some oversight in some area in Beijing water conservancy , such as project in water supply in country and town.After analysised the actuality and requirement of project in water supply in country and town,this research illustrated the“technical guide for rural water supply”as an example to demonstrate that the table of The norm system of water conservancy technology could give the help to the work in norm design.The research make up the oversight in the standardization work of Beijing, especially in the work of statistical classification and analysis in water conservancy technology norm in Beijing. The research points out that some area should supplement norm and design the table of the norm system of water conservancy technology.

  • 【分类号】F299.24;F203
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】239

