

Adaptive Plant Selecting in Yangquan 280 Coal Gangue Pile

【作者】 姚有庆

【导师】 郑彩霞;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 植物学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 煤矸石山易自燃,对大气污染严重,破坏周边生态环境,而且侵占大量的土地。植被恢复是治理煤矸石山的有效途径之一,煤矸石山高温、干旱、酸化等特殊的土壤条件是植被恢复的主要限制因素。针对此问题本文对2005年完成覆土的山西阳泉280煤矸石山的土壤条件及植被做了系统调查,并对适宜该条件的植物进行了选择,为我国煤矸石山的治理及植被恢复奠定了一定的理论和实验基础。研究结果如下:(1)植物调查结果显示,280煤矸石山现有植物83种,其中自然入侵植物17种,覆盖面积约50%,植被分布极不均匀,以草本植物如狗尾草(Setaria viridis L.)、沙打旺(Astragalus adsurgens Pall)、蒺藜(Tribulus terrestris L.)等为主,乔灌木有侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)、臭椿(Ailanthus altissima)、荆条(Vitex negundo)等,所占比例较小。(2)280煤矸石山覆土层(0~50cm)土壤温度较正常土壤温度高4.6~18.2℃,覆土层剖面温度随深度加深而增加,非煤矸石山土壤剖面温度变化幅度不大;覆土层土壤含水量较矸石层(50cm以下)高,而且随深度增加略有降低,矸石层则无明显变化;煤矸石风化层pH值在5.5以下,不适于多数植物生长,而覆土层土壤pH值则正常;煤矸石风化层的盐分含量较高,属于盐土,不适于植物生长,而覆土层则无明显盐化现象。结果表明280煤矸石山土壤条件对浅根系的草本植物及一、二年生的木本植物影响较小,对深根系的成年木本植物生长不利,因此建议保证一定的覆土层厚度,以适宜更多植物生长。(3)煤矸石及其风化物与一定比例黄土混合可明显降低其的酸化、盐化程度,植物在混合后的土壤上也有较好的成活率。这为增加适宜植物生长的土层厚度,节省覆土成本提供了一条可行的途径。(4)在280煤矸石山现有的83种植物中选取了生长状况较好的30几种植物通过室内高温、酸胁迫实验、植物需水量测定等进行了适宜植物选择。结果显示较耐土壤高温的植物有狗尾草、马齿苋(Portulaca oleracea L.)、百脉根(Lotus corniculatus L.)、沙打旺、紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)、侧柏、臭椿等,能忍受46.8℃以下的土温,尤其是狗尾草、马齿苋等能在温度在53℃以下的土壤中存活;最低需水量小相对耐旱的植物有马齿苋、胡颓子(Elaeagnus pungens,)、爬山虎(Parthenocissus tricuspidata)、连翘(Forsythia suspensa)、侧柏等;酸胁迫实验中成活率较高且光合作用指标较好的植物有爬山虎、山杏(Prunus armeniaca)、华北卫矛(Euonymus maackii)等。

【Abstract】 Coal gangue easy to ignite and impact on environment espesilly for air, and it occupy a great deal of soil. Vegetation restoration is one of available approach for coal gangue pile fathering,the special soil condition of coal gangue pile such as high temperature,acidification, salinity etc. is the main limited factor for vegetation restoration.Due to this question the paper settle a study for adaptive plant selecting on the basis of investigation on soil condition and vegetation of 280 coal gangue pile which finished the earthen up project in 2005 in Shanxi Yangquan,this will establish some groundwoks of theory and for coal gangue pile fathering and vegetation restoration innation .The results of study as following:(1) The results of vegetation investigation shows that there are 83 kinds of plant and 17 kinds of it are growing spontaneousness,vegetation is not uniform distributing,most of it are herbage such as Setaria viridis L, Astragalus adsurgens Pall, Tribulus terrestris L etc. the arbor and shrub inverse proportion is small such as Platycladus orientalis, Ailanthus altissima, Vitex negundo,etc.of herbage for high temperature condition of coal gangue pile is better the arbor and shrub which root distribution is relatively deeper.(2) The soil temperature of soil laye(r0~50cm)in 280 coal gangue pile is higher than normal one for 4.6~18.2℃, the section temperature of soil layer is increasing with depth, it is not change obviously in normal one; soil moisture of soil layer is higher than mantlerock(50cm以下)and will little reduce along with deepness increasing, it is not change obviously in mantlerock; the pH is less than 5.5 in mantlerock of coal gangue pile, it is unfit for most of plant to grow, the pH of soil layer is normal; the salinity content of mantlerock of coal gangue pile is higher, it is belong to salty soil category and unfit for plant growth,but it is not salinited in soil layer.The result shows that the soil condition will not impact herbage and 1,2 years old arbor and shrub which have short roots,but it is disadvantage for adult arbor and shrub to growth.(3) The acidity and salinity of coal gangue and it’s weathered products will reduce in evidence when commix with ocher in given proportion,and the survive rate of plant growing on the commixed soil is better.This offer an available approach for increasing thickness of soil which in favor of plant growth and save money for earthen up project.(4)We choose more than 30 kinds plant which growth status is better from 83 kinds plant in 280 coal gangue pile for adaptive plant select by high temperature stress experimentation,acid stress experimentation,soil moisture mensuration which plant growth demand. The result shows that some plant can stand with high temperature of soil such as Setaria viridis L, Portulaca oleracea L, Lotus corniculatus L, Astragalus adsurgens Pall, Amorpha fruticosa, Platycladus orientalis,Ailanthus altissima,etc,they can stand with temperature less than 46.8℃of soil,especially for Setaria viridis L, Portulaca oleracea L, can survive in soil which temperature is less than 53℃;some plant such as Portulaca oleracea L, Elaeagnus pungens, Parthenocissus tricuspidata,Forsythia suspensa, Platycladus orientalis,etc are relatively resist drought which the least moisture plant growth need are small; some plant such as Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Prunus armeniaca, Euonymus maackii,etc.have better survive rate and photosynthesis guide line in acid stress experimentation.

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