

A Investigation and Analysis of Consumption Motivation of the Post-80s Generation College Students

【作者】 盛佳丽

【导师】 吴建平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 80后是指出生在1980年之后,年龄在19-28岁的年轻人,他们即将成为社会消费的主力军。而大学生作为年轻人中的主导群体,研究他们的消费显得更加重要。消费动机是消费行为发生的深层心理需要的体现,研究消费动机对把握80后消费心理有重要的意义。该研究以在校80后大学生为研究对象,采用了文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法。对调查结果进行因素分析,得出目前80后大学生的消费动机主要有3类,即理性动机、自我表现动机和求同动机。通过数理统计法对消费动机与大学生人口因素进行相关分析,从而得出:80后大学生的理性消费动机较高,女生的自我表现和求同消费动机较强,非独生子女的理性消费动机较强,不同生源地的大学生自我表现动机差别显著,城市大学生高于城镇大学生,说明性别、生源,以及是否独生子女对大学生其消费动机有一定影响。

【Abstract】 The post-80s generation are young people who were born after 1980.In other words they are between 18 and 27 years old today. They will become the major group to force social consumption. Mean well, as the dominant group of young people, the consumption of college students is more important to be studied. The consumer motivation is manifestation of in-depth psychological need when the consumer behavior occurs. It`s significant to research consumer motivation for approaching the consumption of psychology of the post-80s generation. This research take the post-80s generation as the object of study,This research take after the school 80 university students as the object of study ,and had used has used literature research method, interview method, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics method on the study.Take the factor analysis to the survey result, that is showed the consumption of the post-80s generation college students was mainly composed of rational motivation, the self-expression motivation, the seeking common motivation, and the rational motivation is the most remarkable. The self-expression motivation and the seeking common motivation of female students are remarkable, the self-expression motivation of students from city is stronger , the rational motivation of non-only-child students is stronger.The correlation analysis for consumption motivation and the factor analysis for the number of college students showed that the consumption motivation depend on the sex, month amount of consumption and students source.

  • 【分类号】C913.5
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】3175

