

On the Protection of Network Privacy Right in the Network Age in China

【作者】 施莹莹

【导师】 严耕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着以网络技术为核心的信息技术的发展,互联网强大的触角日益延伸至社会各个角落,使得对隐私权的窥探日益容易而对其保护愈加困难。因此,如何在新的时代背景下保护隐私权成为关系个人尊严及网络健康发展的重要问题。本文从传统隐私权概念出发,根据网络环境的特殊性,重新考察了网络隐私权的概念和内容。文中列举了具体而典型的案例,分析了网络环境下隐私权侵权问题的主要侵权形式、特点以及互联网对隐私权保护的影响;从理论层面深入探讨了网络隐私权保护的原则;最后根据我国网络发展和隐私权保护的现状,从法律、道德等方面阐述了如何保护隐私权,以期对我国网络隐私权保护的环境和制度的建立提供有益的理论参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of information technology as the network technology be its core, the Internet increasingly extending to every corner of the society, which cause the right of privacy is easier to be spied on and more difficult to be protected. Therefore, in nowadays,the protection of the privacy right has become an issue that does something important with personal dignity and the healthy development of the Internet.Beginning with the traditional privacy concepts, according to the specialties of the network environment, this paper re-investigates the concepts and contents of Internet privacy. From some specific and typical cases, the text analyzes the main forms and the characteristics of network privacy infringement,also the impact on privacy protection from the Internet. Through a theoretical level, this paper also has some discussion on the principle of the network privacy protection. Finally according to China’s network development and the status of the protection of personal privacy, the text expounds the ways of privacy protection from legal and moral aspects with the aim of providing useful reference to the protection of network privacy for our country.

  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】516

