

The Research for Sustainable Use Strategy on Urban Brownfield

【作者】 蒋博

【导师】 胡雨村;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 结构工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市污染土地是传统产业结构和城市布局留下的城市“伤疤”,危害城市生态安全,影响经济增长。同时,城市污染土地又是城市发展的潜在的宝贵土地资源。本文主要研究了城市污染土地的策略及关键因素,为实现城市土地可持续利用提供借鉴。城市污染土地的可持续利用必须满足未来场地内生态环境、经济、社会系统发展的需要。污染土地的可持续利用是关系到现存的经济、生态、社会复杂系统的全过程,这个过程所产生的影响不仅仅是特别的土地,而是如何实现土地的可持续产出。城市污染土地的可持续利用表现规划理论、公共关系、项目管理及技术的全过程。本论文叙述了城市污染土地的基本概念、特征、产生原因、现状。收集了大量国外城市污染土地利用治理的资料,包括管理技术、再利用标准、方法、技术,比较国内污染土地利用现状,提出问题和值得研究的方向。通过对可持续理论基础的研究,提出城市污染土地可持续利用的目标、原则、框架,即满足经济、社会、生态环境的共同的需求;提出“广泛生态调研”、“整合规划”、“评估修复”、“风险管理”等可持续利用的策略。本论文设计了城市污染土地开发的流程框架,并结合北京宋家庄污染场地,设计污染土地修复再利用流程。研究设计区域城市污染土地综合修复处置中心,设计建设规模、工艺、运营管理流程,并做技术经济评级分析。

【Abstract】 Changes in the way in which goods and services are produced, as well as the transition from a national to a world-based economy, have created a new economic environment for contemporary urban. The result is an overall decline in the economic and social infrastructure of many communities, and a corresponding legacy of economically unproductive, abandoned or underutilized industrial sites. Contaminated site redevelopment, in addition to benefiting human health and the environment by the restoration of once-contaminated properties to productive uses, can also become an essential component of the economic and social revitalization of the community itself.The sustainable development perspective recognizes that the social structure, economy, and natural environment of a community, rather than being discrete and separate entities, are interconnected in fundamental and critical ways. The incorporation of sustainability into the contaminated site redevelopment process is an important mechanism for ensuring not only the restoration and reuse of existing contaminated site properties, but also that previous cycles of decay and abandonment are not repeated.A sustainable contaminated site redevelopment cannot depend solely on the processes of the marketplace to deal with abandoned or underutilized properties. The market cannot always assure that what is rational and attractive to the developer will also be beneficial to the community, or that building what people want is a natural function of the market system. Sustainable contaminated site redevelopment refers to redevelopment and growth that are maintained over the long-term and occur within the limits of the environment so that the current needs of the citizens are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.In chapter 1 to 3, some important context about urban contaminated site will be given, including definition, background, past and present use situation, problems in project and plan levels. In chapter 4, technology and strategy for sustainable contaminated site will be given, including key characteristics in contaminated site redevelopment process, main remediation technology to contaminated land.In chapter 5, framework and process will be design, and in chapter 6, conclusion will be given.

  • 【分类号】X53
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】576

