

Research of Public Relations Online

【作者】 叶莉

【导师】 景庆虹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着网络技术的不断发展,网络传播在信息时代的重要性日益凸现出来,同时也给以传播为主要手段的公共关系带来了重大的影响。根据1998年联合国新闻委员会年会上正式提出的“第四媒体”的概念,网络媒体已经大众媒体的一种。网络媒体从诞生之日起就与传统媒体开始了竞争与融合,其即时传播、有效重复阅读、目标公众直达、多媒体整合传播、全球化信息覆盖等传播特性更使得网络公共关系在传统公共关系传播的基础上得到极大的提高,从而真正实现了双向对称传播这一公共关系最理想的实践模型。本文在分析了网络媒体的传播特征之后,重点探析了网络公共关系职能如何实现,涉及到组织形象的网络展示与维护、网络舆论的引导、网络信息的搜集与监测,以及网络危机公关。此外,本文结合“家乐福事件”的案例,对于如何建立高效的网络公共关系管理体系进行了分析。网络公共关系在已经越来越多地显示了其优越性,且必将成为公共关系实践的发展的重要趋势。

【Abstract】 With the continuous development of network technology, Net Communication becomes more and more important in this Information Age. At the same time, public relations, which takes communication as the main means, has been impacted greatly.According to the "fourth media" concept, which was formally proposed in the United Nations Information Committee’s Annual, 1998, Internet media has become one of the the mass media. Internet media has been taking competition and integration with traditional mass media since the date of birth. Its features, such as instant communication, effective repeat reading, direct targets, multimedia, and globalization, effect more than traditional public relations work. The two-way symmetrical model becomes achieved.Based on the analysis of the characteristics of net media, the paper focus on how to achieve online public relations functions, including how do the organizations involved in the image display and maintenance of the network, guide of online public opinion, the online information collection and monitoring, and crisis public relations online. In addition, With "Carrefour incident," the case, how to establish a highly efficient network of public relations management system was analyzed.Public Relations Online has been more and more demonstrated their superiority, and will certainly become a public relations practice in the development of important trends.

  • 【分类号】G206;C912.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1747
  • 攻读期成果

