

Study on Productive Propagation and Cultivation of Laburnum spp.

【作者】 黄文盛

【导师】 刘燕;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以法国引种的多花沃氏金链花(Laburnum×Watareri‘Vossii’)及苏格兰金链花(Laburnum alpinum)为对象,在前期播种繁殖技术研究的基础上,进行了大规模的生产扩繁,成功繁殖出4万株苏格兰金链花苗木,同时对其今后的育苗方向进行了初步探讨;研究了早春扦插过程中,外源激素处理对金链花插条生根的影响;通过对物候期及生长节律的观测及栽培技术的研究,在5年连续引种观测和栽培实践的基础上,制定了金链花周年栽培养护规程。结果如下:1.苏格兰金链花在播种前用浓硫酸浸泡种子60min,浸泡后进行催芽处理,播种后结合浇水、施肥、病虫害防治等栽培技术,可使成苗率达到70%。2.苏格兰金链花可以进行容器苗栽植。适宜的栽培基质为珍珠岩:草炭=1:1,施肥方式为全肥;播种20周后容器苗的株高可达到57.33cm、地径5.04mm。容器苗的株高、地径及质量指数与大田苗有显著差异。3.苏格兰金链花早春地热扦插选用珍珠岩做基质,插条用800mgL-1NAA处理生根率可达到24.8%。当用NAA500mgL-1+6-BA50mgL-1及NAA250mgL-1+6-BA50mgL-1处理时,生根率只有7.0%和11.8%,表明6-BA的加入没有显著提高金链花插条的生根率。4.金链花每年早春4月土壤解冻后及冬季12月土壤封冻前灌水,其他季节可以不浇水,生长季圃地不可积水;施肥方式以基肥结合生长季追肥为主;夏季是金链花病虫害的高发期,要保持圃地清洁并及时进行药剂处理;金链花冬季重剪后埋土可保证其顺利越冬。5.金链花在夏季容易感染茎腐病,染病后病情发展快,一般一周后苗木即死亡。在发病初期及时采用根腐灵800倍液灌根可有效抑制病害蔓延。

【Abstract】 This paper studies the seed propagation of Laburnum alpinum in production. The hormone in the cuttings is tested.By studing the phenology, growth rhythm and cultivation of Laburnum×Watareri‘Vossii’and Laburnum alpinum, The cultivation specification is summarized. The results shows:1.The seed propagation is feasible for Laburnum alpinum. By immersing the seed in 98%H2SO4 for 60min and the optimum daily management, the percent of normal seedling can reach 70%.2.The suitable culture medium for plug culture is perlite:peat=1:1, in which the plant is 57.33cm high with the diameter of the root crown 5.04mm by fertilized with Hoagland. The plug culture is the appropriate cultivation method for Laburnum alpinum.3.The perlite is used in the early spring by ground-heat cutting for Laburnum alpinum. The average rooting rate is 24.8% treated with NAA 800mgL-1, which are only 7.0% and 11.8% when treated with NAA500mgL-1+6-BA50mgL-1 and NAA250mgL-1+6-BA50mgL-1.4.The trees should be irrigated in April and December. At the other time of the year, the site should be kept dry; The base-fertilization and additional manuring are the head way of fertilization; In summer, medicalment treatment and keeping the nursery clean can control the pests. Pruning heavliy and covering with the soil are the best way of overwintering.5.Laburnum is easily infected the fungi which is called Macrophomina phaseoli. Medicalment treatment is necessary while it appears.

  • 【分类号】S685.99
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】99

