

Gender, Social and Culture

【作者】 庄诒晶

【导师】 徐岱;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 现当代文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 向来备受争议的“中国女性文学”或曰“中国女性主义文学”始于20世纪70年代末80年代初并迅速崛起,发展至今它已成为一个谈当代文学批评无法绕过的课题,对其研究并加以梳理是当代文学批评者迫切的重要任务。本文将女性小说置于“后现代”语境下来看,采用的是多元、多维的研究视角,秉持“宏观入手、微观而论”的研究宗旨,综合后现代文艺批评理论、女性主义文学理论、精神分析学、文化研究、比较研究、社会学批评等理论与方法,运用中国具本土特色的女性文学理论材料与欧美,以至第三世界的女性主义理论资源,对中国新时期女性文学——以小说为主的流动/嬗变进行诗学探究。文章通过考察1978年至今逾30年间小说女作家的个案批评,以“后现代”解构二元对立的研究方法来揭示中国关于性别、社会、文化之间的微妙、混杂性的关系,突破单一艺术形式、性别视角的封闭结构。后现代语境下女性小说的嬗变,本文将它作为一个完整的文化现象来考察,以有效阐释并评论一些具争议性的后现代与女性文学——这个庞大繁杂的问题丛以外,同时也原创性地提出对女性小说发展的看法与瞻望。

【Abstract】 The female literature and feminist literature of China starting from the late1970’s and appear on horizon rapidly from the early 1980’s. Since the late 1970’s, the female literature has given rise to much controversy, so that Chinese literature criticism cannot avoid from deliberate upon women’s writing. The dissertation place the female literature under post-modern context, aims to conduct a systematic study of the theme, logic and critical approaches from multi-angel of view. The researching persist in "obtains macroscopic, discourse microscopic", has mainly used post-modern and feminism literature art theories, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, comparative studies, sociological criticism theories. The aims of present study are shown as below: Firstly, the focus mainly put on reviewing the development of female novel writing starts from the late 1970’s, explore and analysis the poetics value of female literature. Secondly, the dissertation has select 14 female novel writers as criticize case, the researching reveal hybridity and intertextuality connections between gender, social and culture. Thirdly, the ultimate task of this paper is try to deconstruction the dualism and breakthrough of a centralized literature art encirclement, and also break out from an unitary gender of view. This thesis researched the development of female literature(novel) of China under culture reality and phenomenon of cultural, expound and review an enormous issue from the controversy of female literature and post-modernity, and also raise a originally critical view to look far ahead of developing of female literature.

【关键词】 性别社会文化后现代女性小说
【Key words】 GenderSocialCulturePost-modernFemale
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】355

