

Development and Design of Polarized Laser Acupuncture Equipment Based on Liquid Crystal Modulator

【作者】 王嘉明

【导师】 周强; 杨建义;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 微电子学与固体电子学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 激光针灸疗法是用小功率输出激光束来代替传统的金属针灸针,对穴位进行照射以产生的生物刺激作用来达到治疗目的的一种治疗方法,不仅具有超过传统针灸的独特理疗作用,而且拥有无创治疗、无交叉感染、患者易于接受等优点。激光的高相干性及光束的偏振特性是激光针灸对人体产生独特理疗作用的关键所在。本论文研制了一种基于液晶调制器的偏振激光针灸治疗仪系统。论文首先根据激光治疗仪的医学研究和临床使用要求,提出了治疗仪实现的两大功能:输出激光偏振态切换功能和实时光强调制功能;然后围绕功能实现,解说了治疗仪的整体构架。治疗仪的激光偏振态切换功能是基于液晶材料的电控双折射特性实现的。输出激光的偏振态,能一一对应于液晶调制器产生的调制相位差,受到治疗仪控制器电路输出的1K方波的峰峰值电压控制。激光治疗仪的控制电路是以FPGA芯片为核心的电路系统,能够用VHDL等硬件描述语言进行编程。电控切换激光针的偏振态是本激光治疗仪的一个创新,目前的激光针灸通常使用固定偏振态的激光针。本论文设计的激光治疗仪具有输出激光光强调制功能,是为了利用激光光强的变化来模拟传统针灸手法,目前的同类治疗仪均不能模拟针灸手法。此功能的实现方法是用PWM方式间接调制激光光强。论文阐述了治疗仪的结构后,对仪器的功能进行了测试。偏振切换功能实现良好,在精度范围内治疗仪可以射出任意偏振态激光针。治疗仪发出的线偏振光、左右圆偏振光和±~π╱4椭圆偏振光均接近理想情况。另一方面,治疗仪输出的光强调制波形和预先用VHDL语言设制的波形吻合,证明光强调制功能也顺利实现。最后,对偏振激光治疗仪进行了实用化方面的改进,从一路激光针输出增加至四路光针,整合改进了控制器电路。

【Abstract】 Laser acupuncture is one kind of therapy method that using low intensity laser beams instead traditional acupuncture needles to irradiate acupuncture points in order to get a therapy aim by produced bio-stimulus effects. It has many merits, such as having more effective particular physical therapy effects than traditional acupuncture, no invasion, no intersectional infection risk, more acceptable by patients and so on. The coherent and polarized characteristics of laser are regarded as the key points of producing particular physical therapy effects to human body, In this paper, a polarized laser acupuncture equipment (PLAE) based on the liquid crystal modulator (LCM) has been designed.According to medical research requirement and clinical demand, the paper first proposes two functions of PLAE: polarization state switch function and momentarily illumination intensity modulation function; then it explicates the structure of PLAE around the realization of the two functions. The first function is based on electrically controlled birefringence effect of liquid crystal. Laser polarization state corresponds to modulation phase generated by LCM is controlled by the peak-to-peak voltage value of 1K rectangular wave outputs by the control circuit of the PLAE. The control circuit system is based on the FPGA chip which can be programmed by some hardware languages such as VHDL. Comparing to other laser acupuncture apparatuses which using laser needles with fixed polarization state, the PLAE in this paper is an innovation with ability to change polarization state of laser needles by electrical automation. In order to simulate traditional acupuncture skills by variation of laser intensity, momentarily illumination intensity modulation function has been designed for PLAE, which is indirectly achieved by PWM method.In this paper, after presentation the structure of PLAE, there are some tests for the equipment. The results show that the polarization state switch function is achieved very well. The PLAE can emit laser needles with any polarization state in certain precision range. The liner polarized laser, lift-hand circularly polarized laser, right-hand circularly polarized laser and±π/4 elliptically polarized laser send by the PLAE are nearly perfect. In the other hand, the shape of modulating illumination intensity wave is very similar with the shape designed by the VHDL language beforehand. So it is proved that the second function is also achieved successfully. At last, the paper enhanced the practicability of the PLAE by increasing output laser needles from one to four and improving the control circuit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】TH789
  • 【下载频次】252

