

Study and Development of Distributed Collaborative Work Directing System in City Management Based on SOA

【作者】 杨荣棣

【导师】 陈新;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 计算机软件与理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,电子政务在应用中常遇到信息孤岛、异构性、可交互性差、可扩展性低等问题。而城市管理指挥系统是一类特殊的电子政务系统,市区两级部门和协同联动单位都有各自不同的指挥系统,协调通信存在着接口规范不一致与数据不一致等问题,使得系统之间的协同工作效率低下,所以有必要研究一个面向分布式环境的多指挥中心的协同工作平台。本文在广东省计算机集成制造系统重点实验室承担的广州市城市建设管理监控指挥系统开发项目的基础上,通过对广州市城管信息化的应用现状和城市管理指挥系统的建设目标的概括,对城市管理指挥系统的工作特征进行了分析,提出并建立了一个基于SOA的分布式城市管理指挥协同工作系统的总体结构。本文笔者仔细研究和比较分析了各种分布式计算模式,探索相关前沿技术,从而确定了本文的技术路线和研究方法;进而深入研究了SOA的原理、框架结构、基本特征、参考模型和设计原则等相关理论;研究了企业服务总线的编排模式以及XMLWeb Services分布式计算模式,深入掌握XML语言和SOAP协议;研究了各种协同工作模式的特点以及相应的应用领域;采用SOA设计原则与方法对分布式协同指挥系统的工作流程进行了分析,发现关键服务,定义了服务接口,构造了服务模型,进而优化了业务流程,建立了面向分布式结构的协同工作模型;利用Web Services技术,基于C#和XML语言编写Web服务,创建和封装了服务构件,系统化地部署Web服务,并建立了私有的UDDI注册中心,以管理Web服务的发布和查找,通过SOAP协议绑定和调用Web服务,从而建立了Web服务层;采用SOA和基于组件的技术,构建应用系统,主要开发了事件接入、事件分派、控制监督等几个业务处理系统;并利用协同机制下的通信协议和数据同步等技术,构建一个基于SOA的协同工作平台,以实现内部应用系统和外部指挥系统与Web服务层之间的数据转换与交互。广州市城市建设管理监控指挥系统经过笔者所在的实验室近两年的开发已投入实际运行,基于SOA的监控指挥系统架构满足了广州市城市管理机制的需要,实现了较高效率的分布式应急指挥与协同联动工作,为后续的城市应急指挥系统的开发奠定了稳固的基础。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, we encounter some problems in the procedure of e-government’s application, such as isolated information islands, heterogeneous, bad interoperability, poor expansibility and so on.City Management Directing System (CMDS) is one kind of special e-government system, civic department, borough department and collaborative linkage departments all have their own directing systems, these systems’ communication have problems such as variance of interface criterion and abhorrent data. Therefore, the collaborative work efficiency between systems is very low, we need to develope a collaborative work platform which is oriented distributed environment and fits for multi directing centers.Based on the project about Guangzhou City Construction Management Monitoring Directing System which is been took charge of by Guangdong CMS Emphases Laboratory, this paper sums up the application actuality of Guangzhou City Management Informationization and the construction aim of CMDS, analyses the work characters of CMDS, and puts forward a new system structure of Distributed Collaborative Work Directing System in City Management Based on SOA.This paper’s author study carefully and make comparative analysis of a variety of distributed computing model, explore relevant cutting-edge technology, so to determine the technical line and research methods on this paper; and then study theories deeply about SOA, such as SOA principle, basic characters, reference model, design principle and so on; study ESB arrangement mode and distributed computing mode—XML Web Services,master XML language and SOAP protocol deeply; study the characteristics of each collaborative work model and their application fields; analyse distributed collaborative work directing system’s operation flow, find pivotal service, define service interface, construct service model, then optimize operation flow and build a collaborative work model oriented distributed environment by adopting methods of SOA design principle and methods;use Web Services technology to programming web services based on C# and XML language , create and encapsulate service component, build Private UDDI Register Center which can administer upon services query and publish, binding and call web services by SOAP protocol, consequently build a Web Services Layer;use SOA and component-based technologies to construct application systems,mainly developed several business handling systems,such as "Incept Case System", "Handle Case System" and "Control & Supervise System"; then use some technologies under collaborative mechanism, such as communication protocol and data synchronous,to construct a collaborative work platform based on SOA.,so to realize data transformation and reciprocation between inner application systems,outer directing systems and Web Services Layer.After two years’ development by the author’s laboratory, Guangzhou City Construction Management Monitoring Directing System has been running now. The architecture of Monitoring Directing System based on SOA fit for the demands of Guang Zhou City Management mechanism, implement higher efficiency distributed emergency directing and collaborative linkage work, establish steady foundation for subsequent development of City Emergency Directing System

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】207

