

Research and Realization of Universal Data Acquisition Terminal for MES

【作者】 刘泽禧

【导师】 戴青云;

【作者基本信息】 广东工业大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 通用数据采集终端是MES系统中基础信息来源的关键设备。及时、有效地采集车间底层信息,并实现数据的实时互动是实现车间过程管理自动化、信息化、智能化的基本前提。本终端综合3种的通讯技术,多种数据采集手段,拥有灵活的应用软件框架,具有安装和维护方便、价格低廉与通用性强等显著优点。通用与高集成的采集技术是MES系统中的核心技术之一,因此,本文的研究课题具有很大的理论和应用价值。本文以广东工业大学工程训练中心——RFID工程应用示范基地(国家示范基地)与广州市攻关项目——双频电子标签在制造业产品全生命周期管理的应用及标准研究为研究平台,研究开发了针对MES的数据采集终端。论文针对数据采集终端设计来展开,主要包括以下工作:(1)深入了解制造业产品全生命周期管理过程,针对具体的问题给出了解决方法。(2)采用实时操作系统μC/OS-Ⅱ作为数据采集终端的软件平台。(3)研究和分析了多种通讯方式的关键技术,不仅移植了嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈,还提出了一种基于总线通讯下的竞争轮询协议。(4)针对制造业的特点,提出了一种新数据采集的模型以便进一步加快系统在不同企业的推广速度。本文不仅对系统的关键技术进行了研究,同时也从一个应用的角度对系统进行了优化和实现。目前,本文的研究成果已应用于广东省多个制造业企业,并取得了较满意的效果,具有较大的经济价值和应用前景。

【Abstract】 Universal data acquisition terminal is the key equipment to collect the fundamental information from MES. Collecting the basis information of the workshop effectively and duly and realizing the real-time data processing is the precondition to make the management automation, information and intelligence. Three kinds of communications techniques and a variety of data acquisition methods are integrated in this terminal. The application framework of this terminal is flexible. Besides these advantages, this terminal can achieve convenience of installation and maintenance, low prices and high universality. Universal and highly integrated data acquisition terminal is one of the key technologies in MES system. Therefore, the subject of this dissertation is of great significance in both theoretic and practice.The dissertation researches and develops the data collection terminal of MES is based on two projects. One of the projects is "Technology-RFID Application Demonstration bases (national demonstration bases)" which is located in the Engineering Training Center of Guangdong University. The other is "The Guangzhou City’s project-sub-band" which research platform is sub-frequency RFID in the manufacturing product life cycle management and the application of standard platform. This paper takes the data acquisition terminal as object and the main contents are as follows:(1) Analyzing the manufacturing product life cycle management process deeply and giving the solutions for specific questions.(2) Using the real-time operating systemμC/OS-Ⅱas the data acquisition terminal’s software platform.(3) Researching many key technologies of communication, not only migrate an embedded TCP/IP protocol stack, but also propose a bus-based communications protocol-Competition Polling protocol.(4) Against the characteristics of the manufacturing, a new model of data acquisition is designed to further accelerate the applications of the system in different enterprise.This paper not only has been studied the key technology of the system, but also optimizes and realizes the system from the perspective of an application. At present, the paper’s research results have been applied to many manufacturing enterprises in Guangdong Province, and have achieved satisfactory results. So this system has a greater economic value and prospects.

【关键词】 数据采集ARM7μC/OS-Ⅱ无线组网
【Key words】 Data AcquisitionARM7μC/OS-ⅡWireless Network
  • 【分类号】TP274.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】258

