

【作者】 李玲

【导师】 马忠勤;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在国家加大对农村义务教育供给力度的今天,农村孩子上学难的问题已得到基本的缓解。由于历史原因,农村义务教育发展水平远远落后于城市,严重影响了农村经济的发展,影响了整个国民素质的提高。要促进农村经济的发展,必须提高农村义务教育的质量。本文分析了农村义务教育政府供给存在的问题,探讨了完善我国农村义务教育政府供给的对策和建议,希望对提高农村义务教育的质量,实现教育公平起到一定的促进作用。本论文从公共产品的理论出发,分析了义务教育产品的属性;采用了文献研究法,收集了相关资料,了解了我国农村义务教育的政府供给现状和存在的主要问题;采用了比较的研究方法,研究国外政府对农村义务教育的供给状况,并借鉴了国外的经验,提出了提高我国农村义务教育质量的建议;通过实证研究,了解了我国农村义务教育政府制度供给中存在的问题。在此基础上提出,要提高我国农村义务教育的质量,农村义务教育投入不仅要注重投入数量更要注重投资效益,不仅要注重政府的资源供给还要注重政府的制度供给。

【Abstract】 The government has increased the supply of compulsory education in the countryside, so the problem of rural children have no chance to go to school have been solved. Because of the historic reason, the countryside compulsory education has fallen behind the civic one, it has restricted the economy developments of the countryside, it has affected the whole national quality enhancements. In order to promote the countryside development, we must enhance the quality of the countryside compulsory education. This paper has analyzed some questions about government supplies in the countryside compulsory education. It gives some advices to consummate the government supply in rural compulsory education . I hope that those measures can enhance the quality of the countryside compulsory education and achieve education fair.This paper starts from the public product theory. It analysis the compulsory education product attributes. This paper analysis the current situation of China’s compulsory education in rural areas and the main problems by documentary research. It gives some advice to improve the quality of compulsory education in rural areas in China by studying the foreign countries’ experiences. It also analysis the problem in Government supply system for rural compulsory education, by Empirical Study. Then we should know that investing in rural compulsory education should not only pay attention to quantities of inputs also pay greater attention to investment returns. Government should not only focus on the supply of resources also attention to the supply system.


