

An Empirical Study of the Impact of Online Review on Internet Consumer Purchasing Decision

【作者】 郑小平

【导师】 毛基业;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 技术经济及管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 论文从实证的角度出发,研究了在线评论的对网络消费者购买决策的影响。针对目前的研究现状和网络零售业的发展情况,提出了研究假设和模型,通过对调查问卷所获得的数据进行分析,检验了研究假设。最后根据数据分析的结果,提出了适用于国内网络零售商的合理建议,对我国网络零售商的发展具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。进入二十一世纪,我国的网络发展异常迅猛。网络零售就是在这样的环境下产生和发展起来的,它对电子商务和未来商业模式产生重要影响。通过互联网,企业以无店面的经营方式,降低成本,突破了地域限制,不仅能在最广大的范围内销售商品,而且能提供更多样化的商品以满足顾客,因此,面对巨大的商机,各类购物网站纷纷建立和发展起来。而对于消费者,在对网上购物这种新的购物渠道也越来越表现了关注和兴趣,网上购物大军不断膨胀,由于它给消费者提供了巨大的购物优势:突破时空限制、购物方便、更多的商品选择、有竞争力的价格、丰富的商品信息、个性化和定制化的商品等等,使得网上购物发展迅速。根据相关资料调查显示,目前我国的网络零售业的发展程度与欧美发达国家相比还有一定的差距:网上购物人数的增加与网民的快速增长差距明显;大部分网民浏览过购物网站,但有过发生网上购物行为的相对较少。我国有一半以上的网民对网上购物还处观望阶段,他们都是潜在的网上购物者。中国互联网信息网络中心2007年12月发布的《中国网络购物调查报告》中提到网民选择网络购物的原因中方便、价格低和可以买到本地没有的产品较多,而不选择网络购物的原因有对网站不信任/怕受骗,担心商品质量问题和售后服务,质疑其安全性等。在线评论如今作为一种新兴的网络交流手段和平台,企业利用它不但可以有效地传播企业信息,而且可以以较低的成本从网络社区为公司收集,整理信息,是目前为止最好的在网络市场建立信任、培养合作的的技术之一。在线评论如此的受欢迎,使得它对于公司的很多管理活动,如:开发潜在用户、维持老用户、品牌建立、产品开发、质量管理等都有潜在的重大意义。消费者则可以通过阅读在线评论了解产品的质量、卖主的信誉、相关服务和交易风险等。根据掌握的文献资料,论文提出了在线评论对网络消费者购买决策影响的研究假设和研究模型。研究假设从对网络消费者的角度出发,分别假设在线评论的质量越高、评论者的资信度越高、评论的时效性越强和评论的数量越多,对消费者的购买决策的影响越大。然后在文献研究的基础上,通过对电子商务的专家和有丰富网络购物经验的消费者的访谈,对每个指标设置了题项。针对上述的四条研究假设,论文设计的调查问卷分为两个部分,第一部分共十八个题项,主要调查在线评论对网络消费者购买决策的影响;第二部分六个问题,主要是对消费者个人信息的调查。在正式进行大规模测试之前,在小规模范围内对问卷的信度和效度进行了预测,剔出了信度不高的题项。在问卷信度和效度都达到了相关标准的情况下进行了大规模的问卷调查。分别从评论内容的质量、评论者的资信度、评论的时效性和评论的数量四个维度进行调查。对得到的232份有效问卷进行了信度分析、效度分析、相关性分析和回归分析。分析结果显示,评论内容的质量越高、评论者资信度越高、评论数量越多、对网络消费者的购买决策影响越大。而本次数据分析的结果并不支持假设“评论的时效性越强、对消费者购买决策影响越大”。因此,建议我国的网络零售商要重视在线评论质量评估体系的建立,提高在线评论的质量,加大其对网络消费者购买决策的影响;重视客户评论者资信评估体系,科学有效的评估评论者的资信等级,提高其对消费者购买决策的影响;鼓励网络消费者发表评论。论文运用定量分析的手段,研究了在线评论对网络消费者购买决策的影响,并针对我国的网络零售商提出了相关建议,丰富了消费者购买决策影响因素研究的理论和实践,具有一定的创新性。但是由于时间和能力的制约,论文无法全面分析在线评论对消费者购买决策的影响,只能从局部的几点出发,具有一定的片面性,调查的样本地域有所局限,规模应该更大一些。尽管论文关于在线评论对网络消费者购买决策影响的研究不够深入透彻,但毕竟是一次有益的尝试,为以后的深入研究提供了有效的参考,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。

【Abstract】 This thesis studies the impact of online review on online consumers’purchase decision from an empirical perspective. Focusing on the hypotheses and research model, and from the comparative study and the development of internet retail,it studies the impact of online review on online consumers’purchase decision. Finally, based on the result of quantitative analysis, this thesis put forward some proposals to the internet retailers. It also has theoretical and practical implication to the development of internet retail in China.Entering the 21st century, As China’s extraordinarily rapid development of the Internet, Retail network emerged and developed in such environment, which has an important impact on the future of e-commerce business models. Through the Internet, enterprises in the non-store operations can reduce costs, thus breaking the geographical restrictions, not only in the context of the overwhelming majority of goods sold, but also provide more diversification of products to satisfy customers, therefore, in the face of enormous business opportunities, various shopping sites have established and developed. For consumers, shopping on the Internet this new shopping channels have increasingly reflected the concern and interest in expanding the ranks of online shopping, because it will give consumers a tremendous advantage to: break time and space constraints, shopping convenience, more choice of goods and competitive prices, abundant supply of commodities information and personalization and customization of goods and so on, makes shopping on the Internet is developing rapidly.According to relevant information investigations which revealed that presently there is still a certain gap between the degree of development of China’s retail network and that of the developed countries in Europe and the United States: the gap is obvious between the growth of online shopping and the rapid growth of Internet users. Most Internet users visited shopping site while the online shopping behavior of a relatively small. More than half of the users of online shopping in China still just watching, they are all potential online shoppers. The China Internet Network Information Centre in December 2007 "issued by China’s Internet shopping survey" mentioned that the reasons for the choice of Internet users’online shopping are convenience, low prices and buying more products that are not available locally. Instead of online shopping There are several reasons , such as the site is not trustful/afraid of being cheated, worried that the quality of goods and after-sale service, questioning their safety and so on. Nowadays, online reviews as a new means of communication and network platform, enterprises can use it not only effectively disseminate business information, but also to lower the cost of network community for the company from collecting, collating information, it is by far one of the best technologies in the network market confidence-building to foster co-operation . Online review is so popular, it has the potential significance in a lot of the company’s management activities, such as: the development of potential users, maintenance of customer relationship, brand building, product development, quality management. Consumers can understand the quality of the product, the seller’s reputation, related services and transaction risks through reading online reviews.According to the literature, this thesis put forward research hypothesis and model. From the point of view of internet consumers, respectively assumed that the higher the quality of online review, the higher reputation of the reviewer, the fresher of the reviews, the more impact the review will has on the consumer purchasing decisions. Then on the basis of literature research, and by visiting of experts on e-commerce and internet consumer who are rich in online shopping experience, we set some questions for each variable.To address the above four assumption, this questionnaire is divided into two parts, the first part includes 18 items, which mainly survey the impact of online reviews non consumer purchasing decisions; second part includes six problems which investigates consumer personal information. Before carrying out large-scale tests in the formal, there is a small-scale questionnaire which aims at forecasting reliability and validity of the questionnaire. The questionnaire’s reliability and validity meet relevant standards after releasing one question which is not qualified. Then we conducted a large-scale survey and got 232 copies of valid questionnaires, after reliability analysis, the validity analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The results of analysis showed that the higher the quality of the content of review, the higher reputation of reviewer, the more reviews, the greater impact on the purchasing decisions. But this time, results of the analysis of the data did not support the hypothesis,“the stronger timeliness of the review, the greater the impact on consumer purchasing decisions." It is therefore recommended that Chinese internet retailers attaches more importance to the establishment of quality assessment system; focus on the customer credit rating system and encourage internet consumers to comment.This thesis studies the impact of online review on internet consumer purchasing decisions by quantitative analysis. And made relevant recommendations in the view of online retailers, enriching the theory and practice of influence factors on consumer decision-making. However, due to time and capacity constraints, the paper could not comment on a comprehensive analysis of online consumer purchasing decisions, the survey had a sample of geographical constraints, the scale should be even greater. Although the paper comments on the online network of consumer purchasing decisions thorough study is not thorough enough, after all, it is a useful attempt to provide an effective reference to subsequent in-depth study. Moreover it provides strong evidence for further research subsequently and has theoretical value and practical significance to certain extent.

  • 【分类号】F224;F724.6
  • 【被引频次】114
  • 【下载频次】6030

