

The Comparative Study on Chinese and Foreign Electronic Records Protection

【作者】 张后万

【导师】 唐跃进;

【作者基本信息】 中国人民大学 , 档案学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,电子文件的保护问题得到世界各国的重视。美国,欧盟,日本等主要发达国家和地区在电子文件保护研究和实践中取得了先进的成果和经验,借鉴国外的优秀成果将有助于我国发挥后发优势。在绪论中,阐述了对电子文件保护的研究意义并综述了国内外电子文件保护研究成果。论文主体部分从宏观和微观两个部分来比较分析我国与国外在电子文件保护领域的不同之处,最后提出自己对电子文件保护的一些启示,具体如下:第2章从宏观层面来比较中外电子文件保护。首先,本章比较了美国、欧盟、日本与我国关于电子文件保护的法律法规。在比较的基础上分析了国外电子文件保护立法的特点:国外普遍重视信息立法;信息安全立法体系比较完善;立法权分配较合理,立法指导思想明确。同时分析了我国在电子文件保护立法方面存在的不足:政策性文件、行政规章较多,权力机关立法较少;缺乏统一的立法指导原则和规划。其次,本章比较了国外电子文件保护相关标准体系与我国电子文件保护标准体系的不同,分析了我国电子文件保护标准制定过程中的不足:我国在标准制定中的自主研发能力不足;现有标准体系不完善;标准研究过程中国际参与度不高。第3章在微观层面上比较分析了我国与美国、欧盟等国家和地区的电子文件保护实践。经比较得出我国与国外电子文件保护实践的特点有:我国电子文件保护工作受“统一领导,分级管理”的原则影响深远,而国外的电子文件保护工作实践相比而言表现出更强的灵活性;我国各地区的电子文件保护工作具有很强独立性,相互之间合作水平不高,而国外在电子文件保护实践中各地区和机构都寻求积极合作,表现出较强的协同工作能力;我国在电子文件保护领域缺乏有广泛的国内和国际影响力的项目,对国际研究参与程度低。相比而言,一些重大的电子文件研究项目是由国外研究机构或部门发起并领导的。第4章提出对我国电子文件保护的一些启示和见解,具体从我国电子文件保护法律法规、标准以及我国电子文件保护实践的发展三个方面提出自己的见解。本章分析了电子文件保护领域立法特点,提出了加强权力机关立法建设,进一步完善电子文件保护法律法规体系,加强电子文件保护执法建设,完善执法手段;构建了我国电子文件保护标准体系框架;最后本文针对我国电子文件保护实践的发展提出了一些建议,包括:制定电子文件保护工作统一规划,发挥我国后发优势;加强各地区的合作与交流;在电子文件保护实践中,走基础建设与研究探索相结合的道路。

【Abstract】 At present, the electronic records protection has been attached attention by many countries. The research results in America, the European union and in Japan can be used by us to improve our practices in electronic records protection. So the paper compares the differences between the foreign countries and ours in the electronic records protection.The significance of the research is expatiated in the first part of the prolegomenon. And then instances and the outcomes of the research on the protection of electronic records overseas and in our country are reviewed.The second and the third chapter of the thesis emphasizes and analyzes the resemblances and differences between the protection of electronic records and the research in this filed. The paper compares the electronic records protection in our country and overseas in the macroscopical and microcosmic aspects. In the macroscopical aspect, the main points include the laws for the electronic records protection, the systems of the standards of electronic records protection.The microcosmic aspect is mainly about the overview of the practices of electronic records protection in the America,the european union and our country, And then it is about the analysis on the differences between the foreign countries and ours in the practices of electronic records protection.The fourth chapter of the thesis put forwards some suggestions in the protection of electronic records, Concrete content includes suggestions in the development of the laws, regulations, the framework of standards and the practices of electronic records protection. The article analyzes the features and challenges of the electronic records protection at present and then emphasized that we should accelerate the construction of the systems of the laws and regulations, and what is most important is that we should strengthen the law-enforcement in the electronic records protection. Then, the paper put forward a proposal to the framework of the standards of electronic records protection. In the last part, the development strategy of the electronic records protection was briefly described.

  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1019

