

A Correlation Study on Perfectionism, Career Decision-making Self-efficacy and Career Indecision in College Students

【作者】 余淑君

【导师】 侯志瑾;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 职业未决是指个体未能对希望从事的生涯做出决定。它对大学毕业生的心理健康、未来生涯的发展等都有重大影响。本研究采用问卷法,以职业决策量表、中文Frost多维度完美主义问卷、大学生职业决策自我效能量表为工具,以北京市的七所高校的419名大三、大四学生为被试,探讨了北京大学生的职业未决的状况及完美主义、职业生涯决策自我效能感和职业未决的关系,得出了以下主要结论:1.性别和学校类型在职业决策的未决策程度具有显著差异,男生的未决策水平高于女生。普通学校学生的未决策水平高于重点学校的未决策水平。大三、大四的学生在职业未决策水平上没有显著差异。2.职业决策效能感总分在性别与年级的交互作用、性别主效应、年级主效应均不显著。只有在自我评价效能维度上,年级的主效应显著(F=3.92,P<.05),三年级的自我评价效能要高于四年级的自我评价效能。在未来规划效能维度上,性别的主效应显著(F=6.68,p<.01),男生对未来规划的效能高于女生在该维度上的效能。3.在完美主义总分以及它的四个维度:担心错误、父母期望、个人标准、行为疑虑等这五个方面都是男生得分显著高于女生,而在条理维度,则是女生得分显著高于男生。4.未决策水平与完美主义总分及其四个维度担心错误、父母期望、个人标准、行为疑虑之间都有显著的正相关,而与条理有显著的负相关。5.职业决策自我效能感中的自我评价维度和选择目标维度可以负向预测职业未决6.对职业未决进行逐步回归分析结果显示,学校类型、性别、担心错误、选择目标效能感、行为的疑虑、条理对职业决策的未决策水平具有显著预测作用。7.适应良好完美主义负向预测职业未决(F = -.14,p<.01)适应不良完美主义正向预测职业未决(F =.39,p<.01)职业决策自我效能感在适应良好完美主义和适应不良完美主义与职业未决之间起部分中介作用

【Abstract】 Career indecision,which means inability to make a decision about the vocation one wishes to pursue,influences graduates’mental health and career development a lot. This research focuses on the relationship among career indecision, perfectionism and career decision-making self-efficacy. Data were collected by means of there questionnaires of Career Decision-Making Scale(CDS), Chinese version of Frost’s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (FMPS) and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy-Short Form(CDMSE-SF) from 419 senior students and undergraduates from 7 colleges in Beijing. The major findings were as follows:1. There was significant difference in career indecision between different genders and different types of universities. Males’indecision level was higher than females, and students of ordinary universities were higher than those of key universities. There was no significant difference between senior students and undergraduates.2. Gender and grades had no main or interactive effects on the total score of career decision-making self-efficacy. But there was grade difference on accurate self-appraisal dimension(F=3.92,P<.05), that senior students had higher self-appraisal self-efficacy than undergraduates. There was gender difference on planning dimension(F=6.68,p<.01), that males had higher planning self-efficacy than females.3. Males scored higher than females on the total score of perfectionism and its four dimensions: concern over mistakes, parental expectations, personal standards, doubts about actions. But females scored higher on organization dimension.4. Career indecision was related to the total score of perfectionism and its four dimensions, which were concern over mistakes, parental expectations, personal standards and doubts about actions, and negatively related to organization dimension.5. The dimensions of accurate self-appraisal and goal-selecting of career decision-making self-efficacy could negatively predict career indecision.6. The results of stepwise multiple regression analyses demonstrated that career indecision were significantly predicted by type of universities, gender, concern over mistakes, goal-selecting self-efficacy, doubts about actions, and organization dimensions.7. Adaptive perfectionism could negatively predict career indecision(F = -.14,p<.01), and maladaptive perfectionism could predict career indecision(F =.39,p<.01), and career decision-making self-efficacy partly mediated the relationship between adaptive perfectionism, maladaptive perfectionism and career indecision.

  • 【分类号】G645.5
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】2128

