

Study on Idioms Teaching and Learning in Teaching Chinese as Second Language

【作者】 曹素冉

【导师】 宋志明;

【作者基本信息】 北京师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 汉语第二语言教学已经走上了迅速发展的道路。无论是理论研究,还是在语音、词汇、语法等教学方面的研究,都已经取得了累累硕果,积累了宝贵的经验。汉语教学事业在发展的同时也必然要面临一些挑战。如一般词汇的理论和教学研究都已经逐渐形成了系统,但包括成语在内的语汇教学却没有得到相应的重视和发展,依然依附于一般词汇教学。本文首先就当前的汉语成语教学现状进行了简要分析,并进一步强调了成语教学在整个汉语教学中应有的地位。成语教学是重点也是难点,更是一个极具利用价值的语言教学、文化教学资源。笔者对一些与成语本体相关的问题进行了界定与论述,并在此基础上分析了现行大纲和几套教材收录成语的情况。接下来,本文从成语内部语素义与成语整体义之间关系入手把成语分为三类,即组合型成语、综合型成语、融合型成语,并就问卷调查所得到的数据以及教学实践过程中收集到的留学生语料进行了分析和说明,利用词汇学、语言教学、心理学等相关专业知识探究影响留学生正确提取成语语义、使用成语的原因。正确提取语义是成语教学的第一步,并且对能否正确使用成语有一定的影响。经过分析发现,语境、内部语素义、外在附加义等因素对三类成语的影响是不同的。在教学实践中,这些研究结果能帮助汉语教师树立一个系统、科学的成语观念,克服成语教学中的难点问题,并最终提高成语教学的质量,也能帮助留学生克服畏难的心理,在日常交际中主动应用成语。此外,成语教学还可以和其他方面的教学相结合,如一般词汇教学、古汉语教学、文化教学等。因此,本文认为成语教学既可以自成一个体系,又可以被应用到不同的语言要素教学中,是一个宝贵的,应当被进一步开发的汉语教学资源。

【Abstract】 As the rapid development of TCSL (Teaching Chinese as Second Language), many achievements have been made in the research of fundamental theory, phonetics, lexis, grammar, teaching method, etc. During this process, chance and challenge are always together. For instance, compared with grammar, phonetics, the research of idiom is less systematic. Until now, it is also regarded as one branch of lexis and dealt with in the same way as the other words. Idiom teaching has not obtained proper evaluation. No matter Chinese language teacher or foreign students should pay more attention on it.On account of its characteristics, idiom is not only the key of TCSL, but also one kind of valuable teaching resources. In this thesis, some fundamental problems, such as the definition and classification will be discussed. According to the relationship between the meaning of morphemes and overall meaning, idioms could be classified into three categories. Acquisition of idiom is affected by context, morpheme and culture. The research of how they affect idiom acquisition will be carried out by using the theory of lexis, psychology, second language teaching and so on.It is hoped that the result of study will benefit the development of idiom teaching and Chinese language teaching. It is also hoped that the result will be helpful for Chinese language teachers to form a systematic conception about idioms, and for learners to conquer difficulties of learning and utilizing idioms.

【关键词】 对外汉语成语教学语素语义
【Key words】 TCSLidiomsteaching and learningmorphemesemantic
  • 【分类号】H195
  • 【被引频次】53
  • 【下载频次】3621

