

Exploring the Reasons for the Popularity of Christianity in Republic of Korea

【作者】 陈梦遥

【导师】 潘维;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 国际政治, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 韩国基督教徒占总人口的比例约30%,远远高于其他东亚国家,为什么一个曾经的儒教国家会盛行基督教呢?本文试图回答这个问题。文章认为,韩国基督教盛行的原因可以归结为:基督教不同时期都有与韩国民族主义的契合点。将从四个方面对此问题做出解释:1.西学自强的民族主义:传统宗教的衰落导致信仰真空,韩国的先进知识分子为自强而引入基督教,为其传播提供了生存空间。2.反抗日本的民族主义:韩国1910年沦为日本殖民地,教会在这一时期发挥了凝聚民族精神的作用,扩大了基督教的影响。3.反抗传统的民族主义:二战后在美国的影响之下,韩国人民将振兴民族的希望寄托在对基督教的信仰之上,提升了基督教在韩国社会的影响。4.教会的本土化与扩张机制:韩国教会基层组织严密,并致力于教义的本土化,在此基础之上还积极从事海外传教活动,建立了一整套基督教扩张机制,推动了基督教的快速发展。文章采取案例分析与历史回顾相结合的办法。

【Abstract】 It’s a special phenomenon that in the Republic of Korea (ROK) as many people as nearly 30% of the whole population, are Christian,which in other Asian countries has never happened. This Thesis, by exploring the evolution and development of Korean Christianity in the period from the early of 18th century to the beginning of 21st century, attempts to give some concrete explanations for that question.The reasons for the popularity of Christianity in ROK, as the author thinks, are from 4 perspectives. Firstly, the Korean peninsula boasts a long history of various traditional religious cultures. In the past the Shamanism, Buddhism and Confusion prevailed and exerted profound influence on the people. When those traditional religions declined in the late 19th century and early 20th century, there should be some other religion, similar with their beliefs or teachings, to take their place.Secondly, from the year 1910 to 1945, Korea was occupied by Japan and fell as its colony, and the Korean people are greatly suffered during this period. While the desperate situation of being enslaved seemed endless in reality, they had to hope that their spirits be saved by the god. Christianity, at that time, came to play an active role and served as the spiritual asylum of the unprivileged and impoverished Korean people. In addition, churches and their leaders take an important part in the anti-Japanese movement, which further brought them good reputations among the people.Thirdly, ROK allied with U.S. after World War two and received a large amount of economic and military aid from it. Christianity, as the core value of U.S and other western cultures, also attracted the Korean people.Fourthly, another most important reason is that the modern churches of ROK adopted a very aggressive and proactive way in promoting their religion both at home and abroad nowadays, and their complicated but effective missionizing system to assimilate non-believers also contributed to the proliferation and prosperity of Christianity in ROK.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】B978
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1134

