

Traffic Flow Characteristics and Logical Density of Road System in Science Park

【作者】 李群

【导师】 黄立葵; 刘银生;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国高科技园区发展建设的近20年里,缺少对高科技园区的交通出行特性、路网规划指标等方面的深入系统的研究。路网密度指标一般套用城市道路规划指标,从实际使用效果来看指标偏高,致使园区内许多道路闲置严重;另外,园区内的主次干道也安排得不尽合理,没有很好地与各类用地的交通需求及出行规律相匹配,从而有的地方道路过宽过密,造成浪费,有的地方又过疏,影响园区正常的运作。本研究以长沙市麓谷高科技园为依托,从概括高科技园区的特点及调查园区内的各类交通出行开始,针对高新园区的交通特性及路网密度作了如下研究:(1)分析建成园区现状路网交通特性,了解现状路网交通情况,评价了园区内现状道路上的交通流时空变化规律及路网的的交通服务水平状况。(2)在调查园区相同样本企业、居民小区、公共设施等交通出行及各项相关基本指标的基础上,通过采用聚类分析、回归分析等方法,建立了高科技园区内各类用地的高峰小时交通量预测模型。(3)根据国家的相关标准、规范和麓谷高科技园区规划文件,确定园区内产生交通的用地类别,并根据建立的交通量预测模型,计算园区规划期内总的高峰小时交通量。(4)根据各类道路的功能、交通流的特性及用地的性质,为麓谷园区规划期内产生的总高峰小时交通量分配符合服务水平要求的道路网,从而得到高科技园区合理的路网密度。

【Abstract】 In nearly two decades, some important traffic indexes including transit trip characteristic and network planning didn’t be studied in-depth and systematically, with the construction and development of science park. Apply mechanically urban road planning index, network density index is high from application effect, making uncheck construction of urban transportation infrastructure facilities. On the other hand, unreasonable arrangement of major and minor lines don’t match with traffic demand and trip rule of various lands; some roads are too wide and density too high resulting in idle; network density is too low in some high-tech zones that regular operation of traffic is affected.Based on the research of network density in Lugu science park in changsha, the author summarized the feature and surveyed the traffic trip from the beginning. Some researches are done as follows:(1) Analyzing current network traffic characteristic and traffic condition of science park; Evaluating the traffic space-time variation law and level of service on current network.(2) Building the peak hour traffic volume prediction model of various lands in the zone by clustering analysis and regression analysis based on investigating related basic indexes of traffic trip about enterprise, residential district and public facilities.(3) Determining the land category which generate traffic trip according to national standard and planning document of Lugu science park; Calculating the total peak hour traffic in planning period according to peak hour traffic volume prediction model.(4) Determining reasonable network density through arranging total peak hour traffic generating in planning period to desirable network, according to road function, traffic characteristic and land character.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】U412.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】319

