

The Research on the Influence of the Changes of Modern Communicational Pattern upon the Urban Residence

【作者】 何成

【导师】 张卫;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 住宅是社会的基石,是人类赖以生存和发展的基础。作为家庭生活的载体,住宅的发展不仅反映社会政治、经济、文化等领域的发展与变迁,而且直接折射出每个家庭和个人的生活方式和生存状态。由于住宅与每一个人的生活息息相关,所以它是建设量最大、变化最丰富、研究最多的一类建筑。现在“以人为本”、“和谐社会”、“和谐家庭”等理念深入人心,居民对居住环境的要求也越来越高,不仅需要舒适的物质环境,更需要一个慰籍心灵的精神场所。什么样的住宅最适合人居住,一直以来不仅是建筑师考虑的问题,也是每一个居民考虑的问题。影响住宅发展的因素很多也很复杂,并且在不同社会历史时期主要的影响因素又不同。不过,总能从一些变化的因素中找到一些固定不变的东西,那就是住宅总要满足居住生活的需要,要与居民当时的生活方式和交往方式相适应。只有深入了解了居住生活和外部物质载体之间的相互关系,我们才能深刻理解住宅,才能设计出适应生活的舒适住宅。从哲学角度而言,交往本身就是人的生存方式或生活方式,交往是一种生活或生活很重要的一部分。那么,住宅理所当然也要满足交往的需求,要随社会交往方式的变迁而变化。因此,本文从社会交往方式变迁这一独特视角去探索城市住宅的演变与发展。一个多世纪以来,社会交往方式经历了从低级向高级、从封闭向开放、从简单向复杂发展的历程。随着交往生活和交往方式的变迁,城市居民的居住生活和居住形式都发生了翻天覆地的变化。我国近现代居住形式从传统的合院式住宅到近代的里弄住宅、连排住宅、公寓住宅等,再到计划经济时期的单元式多层住宅、高层住宅、居住小区等居住形式,一直到当代的商品房住区,这种变化过程不仅体现着居民生活的发展,也体现着社会生活方式和交往方式的变迁。本文从我国近现代三个重要的社会变革时期去剖析,社会交往方式与城市住宅之间的相互影响、相互制约关系。全文共分为三个部分。第一部分为绪论部分,也是本文的第一章,简述了选题的背景及意义、相关概念及研究范围介绍、相关研究理论综述和文章的研究方法及框架;第二章到第四章为第二部分,分别从近代转型期、计划经济时期、市场经济时期这三个时期去研究社会交往方式的变迁、城市住宅的演变以及它们之间的动态关系,同时也包含邻里交往和邻里交往空间的发展及它们之间的关系;第三部分包括第五章和结论,第五章主要是根据三段时期的分析,归纳出社会交往方式变迁对城市住宅的影响关系,以及住宅的发展又反映和制约着社会交往的发展,还包括运用建筑手段解决邻里交往空间问题,以及对未来邻里交往和住宅发展的展望等。最后,作为本文的结论部分,先概述本文的主要内容和和主要成果,然后针对当前住宅发展形式,指出本文研究成果的价值与指导意义,以及还需深入研究的地方。

【Abstract】 Residence, being the cornerstone of society, lays the foundation of the survival and development of human beings. As the vehicle of family life, residence not only reflects social change and development politically, economically and culturally, but also mirrors the life style and state of each family and individual. Residence belongs to a kind of architecture which has the largest number of buildings, the most abundant changes and the greatest amount of study, due to its close relationship with individual life. With the concepts“people oriented”,“harmonious society”and“harmonious family”filtering into people’s mind, residents have an increasingly high standard for their living environment. They ask for a cozy materialistic surrounding as well as spiritual consolation. What kind of residence is most suitable for human dwelling is a question for both architects and residentsThe elements effecting the development of residence are numerous and complex, and are constantly changing in different historical periods. Nevertheless, regular rules can be found among the changing elements—residence should meet the demand of dwelling life and correspond with people’s life style and communicational pattern. Only by gaining an insight into the mutual relationship between dwelling life and external materialistic vehicle, can we deeply understand residence and design the most suitable and comfortable one. From the perspective of philosophy, communication, being or forming an important part of life, is itself a kind of life style and living mode. Accordingly, residence should satisfy the need of communication and vary with the variation of social communication. Thus, we explore the development and evolution of urban residence from the angle of the change of social communicational mode.For more than one century, social communicational mode develops from inferiority to superiority, backwardness towards openness and simplicity to complexity. Great changes have taken place in the field of residential life and pattern as a result of the change of communicational life and mode. In china, modern dwelling mode shifts from traditional residential quadrangle to lane house,terrace house,apartment house etc. During the period of planned economy, unit residence,high residence,and residential community appeared. The changing process embodies the development of residents’life, and reflects the change of living and communicational mode as well. This thesis will investigate into the mutual relationship between communicational pattern and urban residence during the three important social evolutionary periods.The thesis can be divided into three parts. The first part, also the first chapter is the introduction. It will briefly introduce the background and significance of the topic, the associated concepts, the research scope, and the analysis of relative theory and the framework of the thesis. Chapter two to chapter four forms the second part. In this part, the thesis will study the change of social communicational mode, the change of urban residence and their mutual relationship. Neighborhood communication and its space are also targets of the study. The time of the research will be limited to three important social reforming periods: the transitory period in modern society, the period of planned economy, and the period of market economy. The third part includes chapter five and conclusion. Chapter five, based on the analysis on the above—mentioned three periods, concludes the influence of social communicational change on urban residence whose development will in turn mirror and restrict the development of social communicational change. In this chapter, the problem of communicational space among neighbors will be solved in terms of architecture. It will also look forward to the neighborhood communication and the residential development in the future. The conclusion will firstly summarize the main content of the thesis. Then, based on the current development of residence, it will point out the achievement and significance of the study in the thesis and what should be digged into hereafter.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU241
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】475

