

The Research on Parallel Computing for Seismic Data Processing

【作者】 杨进

【导师】 李肯立;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 计算机系统结构, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 地震数据处理一直是高性能计算的主要领域之一,本文以海量地震数据处理为研究对象,其主要工作和创新点包括三方面的内容:设计并实现了网络化的并行地震数据处理支撑框架;为框架设计了一个基于netCDF数据格式的并行I/O子系统,并对其关键算法进行了深入研究;将MPI+OpenMP模型引入到现有的并行地震数据处理中,实现了一个可以支持多种并行地震数据处理模型的支撑库。首先,设计并实现了网络化的并行地震数据处理框架,框架为实验人员提供一个集成的实验环境,内容包括地震数据处理和数据显示分析。框架提供的流程构建器允许用户在客户端利用服务器上模块库中的模块来构建处理流程、提供交互式的模块参数设置界面,具有新建工程、模板保存等强大的编辑功能。平台同时为地震数据处理模块开发者提供一个集成的开发平台,利用该平台定义的具有较好容错能力的API接口,开发者不需要了解与平台相关的分布式计算相关知识,专注模块处理算法的开发。实践证明,借助框架可使油气勘探研究人员开发并行数据处理和显示模块的效率大幅度提高。其次,在深入分析原有并行文件系统和netCDF地震数据格式特点的基础上,为并行地震数据处理系统设计了一个基于netCDF的高效、高可靠的专用并行文件系统,重点研究了文件系统的文件分片算法,数据备份/恢复技术,并在Linux集群上实现该系统原型。实验表明,文件系统可以使地震数据处理最常见的简单并行达到很高的并行效率,且文件越大这种优势越明显。最后,将基于消息传递(MPI)的并行地震处理模型与共享存储(OpenMP)模型相结合,实现了一个适合于SMP集群并行地震数据支撑库,将涉及到消息传递的并行地震数据操作以直观的API的形式提供给开发人员,利用支撑库提供的API开发了一些测试模块,实验证明:支撑库可支持现有地震数据处理和显示模块的多种并行计算模型,并且能够获得较高的并行加速比和计算效率。

【Abstract】 Seismic data processing is a main areas of high performance computing,Taking seismic data processing for its research object, The main content and innovative points of this paper can be outlined as the following aspects: We present a integrated software framework for parallel seismic data processing on pc cluster,design a parallel I/O subsystem based on netCDF for the framework, Combines the existing parallel seismic data processing patterns based on MPI with share memory programming paradigm(openMP), providing a paralle seismic data processing support library for the framework.First,We present a integrated software framework for parallel seismic data processing on pc cluster. A modern and feature-rich graphical user interface (GUI) was developed for the system allowing edit and submission of parallel processing flows and interaction with running jobs. Multiple jobs can be executed on the pc cluster and controlled from the same GUI. The framework provides a module integrated development environment (MIDE) to pc cluster module developer. system monitor, database, memory management and the MPI functionalities are provided to developer as API, which can significantly simplify the code development for the system. A multi-user development and processing environment is available. The system can greatly reduce time for transplanting serial processing modules to pc cluster, and get a high speedup.Second,After in-depth analysis the existing parall filesystem and netCDF data format,this paper design a efficient, reliable parallel I/O filesystem base on netCDF for the framework,the filesystem uses a new data scatter algorithm,Comparing to the existing parall filesystem,the filesystem improve greatly in fault-tolerant and data backup/recovery, The experiment demonstrates can thoroughly support Simple seismic data processing patterns and get a high parall speedup.Last,This paper combines the existing parallel seismic data processing patterns based on MPI with share memory programming paradigm(OpenMP),providing a parallel seismic data processing support library suitable for SMP cluster, The experiment demonstrates that the platform can thoroughly support current seismic data processing patterns and get a high parall speedup.

【关键词】 地震数据处理并行I/O文件系统OpenMPMPI
【Key words】 Seismic data processingParallel I/OFilesystemMPIOpenMP
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 04期
  • 【分类号】TP399-C3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】360

