

The Research on the Development of E-government and Government Management Innovation

【作者】 邱跃华

【导师】 龙献忠;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 第三次科技革命带来了信息技术的高速发展,人类社会从工业时代步入信息化、知识化时代,电子政务也应运而生。随着电子政务的发展,传统的政府管理面临着巨大的挑战,其管理理念、组织方式已不能适应现实的需要,要么固守而被淘汰,要么抓住电子政务发展的契机,创新以求生存。为求生存,政府管理正在悄悄逐步地改变以适应新的要求,电子政务一方面引发了政府管理创新,另一方面,电子政务又是政府管理创新的动力,为政府管理创新提供了技术上的支持和指导,以推动政府管理创新体制的顺利进行。电子政务的良性发展可以促进政府职能从“管理型”到“治理型”转化、便利政府之间,政府和企业及公众之间的沟通互动、促使政府权力运行模式由封闭式转变为开放式、加快政府组织结构实现网络化和扁平化、有利于整合政务信息资源和重塑政府政务流程和增加政府政务透明与廉洁。但由于受传统行政文化、“拿来主义”和我国信息化教育发展现状的影响,我国在电子政务创新政府管理的过程中重“电子”轻“政务”、“数字鸿沟”、信息化整体水平不高,、信息安全等问题还很突出。本文坚持以科学发展观为指导,以管理学、公共信息学为理论依据,结合我国电子政务建设实践,提出借鉴国外电子政务促进政府管理的经验、加强领导,提高认识,转变观念、统一标准和规划,建设和改造数据库、“政务”与“电子”并重,优化政府业务流程、建设和完善“一站式”服务系统、加强政府门户网站和网站群建设、完善立法,建立信息安全保障体系、加强宣传,教育和人才培养,弥合“数字”鸿沟等措施和建议,以促进我国电子政务和政府管理良性发展。

【Abstract】 The third technological revolution led to the rapid development of information technology, Human society enter the information-based, knowledge-based era from the industrial age, e-government also came into being. Along with the development of e-government, the traditional government management is faced with a great challenge, Its management philosophy, organizational forms, has been unable to meet real needs, or stick to be eliminated, or the development of e-government to seize the opportunity of innovation in order to survive. In order to survive, the management is slowly and gradually changed to adapt to the new request. E-government on the one hand triggered a government management innovation, on the other hand, e-government is the driving force for the management innovation, management innovation for the government to provide the technical support and guidance to promote innovation management of the government system is carried out smoothly. E-government can promote the healthy development of government functions from the management to "governance" transforma-tion, So that the Government between the government and enterprises and the public become facilitate communication, Prompted the Government to the exercise of power by the closed-end into a model of open and speed up the organizational structure of the network flat and is conducive to integration of information resources and reshape the Government Chief Administrative processes and increase government transparency and honesty. However, due to the traditional administrative culture, brought China’s information and education development of the impact of China’s e-government innova -tion in government management in the process of "electronic" light "the Chief", "digital divide", the overall level of information technology is not high , Information security and other issues are still outstanding. This paper adhere to the scientific concept of development as a guide to management, public information for the study theoretical basis, with China’s practice of building E-government, e-government to promote foreign government management experience in innovation, strengthen leadership, improve understanding and change concepts, standards And planning, construction and transformation of the database, "the Chief","electronic", and optimize the business processes building and perfecting the "one-stop" service system, strengthen the government portal website and group-building, improve legislation and establish information security system , To step up publicity, education and personnel training, bridging the "digital" divide and other measures and proposals to promote China’s e-government and government management innovation healthy development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期

