

Discussion on the Quality Responsibility System of the Construction Project

【作者】 黄荻

【导师】 郑鹏程;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 建设工程是人们日常生活和生产、经营、工作的主要场所,是人类生存和发展的物质基础。建设工程的质量,不但关系到生产经营活动的正常运行,也关系到人们的财产和生命健康的安全。近年来频频发生的一系列建设工程质量事故,给人们留下了血的惨痛教训。建设工程的质量问题成为了全社会关注的热点问题之一。加强建设工程的质量管理体系建设,提高建设工程的质量水平,更是全民热切盼望解决的问题,也是我国构建和谐社会的发展需要。国家一方面相继颁布一系列的建筑法律法规,规范建设工程各参建主体的行为、权利义务;另一方面,加强了建设工程的监督管理,采取了政府监督部门专门监督,实行工程担保和工程保险等措施。这对提高我国建设工程质量水平起到了积极的作用。但是,建设工程的质量问题应该作为一个永久性的问题来解决,其中对于建设工程质量责任制度的建立也是不容忽视的。质量事故一旦发生,质量责任的追究成为了重要的任务。但是我国建筑法律法规对建设工程质量责任法律制度的规定存在许多缺陷。例如,建设工程质量责任立法体例缺乏系统性;建设工程质量保修期与损害赔偿期责任规定不明确;建设工程质量保险制度的缺陷;精神损害赔偿制度缺失以及诉讼时效规定不合理。这些缺陷急需在我国的建筑法律法规中加以完善。这对完善我国建筑法律法规,使建设工程质量责任发生时作到有法可依,保障各参建主体的正当利益有着重要的意义,对于解决建设工程质量问题、提高建设工程质量水平起到重要作用。

【Abstract】 Construction project is the main place of people’s daily life, production , conduction and working, and also a material foundation of mankind existing and developing .The quality of construction project is not only relate to the normal operating of the producing and conducting activities, but also relate to people’s property and people’s healthy security. A series of construction project accidents , which have taken place again and again in recent years, give the greatly aggrieved precept of blood for people. The quality problem of construction project have become one of the hottest problems which should be paid more attention. Strengthen the construction quality management system, improving the level of the construction project quality, but also is the problem for all fervently hope to solve ,also is the need of building harmonious society in China. Our nation, on the one hand , have promulgated a series of building laws and regulations one after another ,standardizing the behavior of each main party in project constructing, their rights and obligations; on the other hand, strengthened the supervision management of construction projects, adopted some measures such as the government supervision departments to take specialized supervision, implementation of project security and project insurance etc. These have played a positive role on improving the level of the quality of the construction project. But, the quality problem of construction projects should be a permanent problem to resolve. The establishment of the quality responsibility system of the construction projects can not be ignored, once the construction projects quality accidents happening, quality responsibility system become an important task. However, the construction of China’s laws and regulations on the responsibility for the quality of construction project exists many defects. For example, responsibility for the quality of construction projects system is lack of legislative style; the responsibility provisions on construction project quality warranty period and damages liability is not clear; construction project quality insurance system exists defects; the lack of moral damage compensation system, as well as deletion of limitations requirement is unreasonable. These problems should be clearly promulgated in our country‘s legislation in construction projects. It has an important significance in perfecting China’s laws and regulations, protecting the legitimate interests of the main parties, providing rules in the quality responsibility, and also has positive function on solving the problems of the quality of construction projects.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D922.297;D923
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】695

