

On the Application of WebQuest in Learning of Metacognitive Writing Strategy

【作者】 李娟

【导师】 肖云南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 WebQuest是由美国圣地亚哥大学教育技术专家伯尼·道奇和汤姆·马齐教授共同开发而成的一种课程计划。Web即网络,Quest即探究,WebQuest的意思即为探究式学习,汉语中还没有与之对应的词汇。根据WebQuest任务的复杂程度划分,基于WebQuest的课程计划可分为短期计划与长期计划,短期计划可以是一到三个课时;长期学习计划一般为一星期到一个月的时间。在WebQuest课程学习中,教师需要提供特定的情景任务或一个待完成的项目给学生,并通过Web页为学生提供大量的因特网导航资源以要求学生对信息加以分析综合,从而提出创造性的解决方案。元认知是认知的认知,元认知是影响语言习得成功与否的一个重要因素,元认知策略使用能力在写作中同样发挥着重要作用。研究证实,元认知可教,学习者的元认知策略使用能力也可以得到培养。在国内外对于如何培养学习策略的研究中,O’Malley和Chamot’s在1990年提出的五步训练法影响最大。本文从高职院校开展元认知写作策略培养的必要性和可行性出发,结合五步训练法,通过实践来探讨以元认知写作策略为主题的WebQuest自主学习在中国高职教育英语专业学生写作策略学习中的效果。在WebQues和建构主义理论的指导下,本文作者对某高职院校商务英语专业学生进行了以元认知写作策略为主题的WebQuest课外自主学习活动设计。实验历时三个月,共有实验班31人和控制班30人参加。学习环节根据五步训练法划分。在准备,讲解和练习三个阶段,两个班接受相同的教学方式,区别在于评估和扩展阶段,实验班实行WebQuest构建,控制班接受教师指导下的策略使用评估和扩展练习。研究结果表明:(1)按照O’Malley and Chamot’s的五步策略训练法,将WebQuest应用于教师指导下的学生课外自主学习,从而实现WebQuest对五步策略训练法中评估及扩展环节的构建是可行的,作为教学活动的主体的学习者也可以参与到自身学习活动的设计上来,师生共建的WebQuest学习活动有益于学习者发挥主体作用,增加学习的主动性。(2)实验前后的写作测试表明通过学习,同学们在写作长度和写作内容发挥上有了很大突破,问卷结果表明该学习有助于提高学生在写作中的元认知策略使用意识(3)访谈结果表明同学们对于WebQuest的接受能力比预期要好,该学习对于培养同学们的自主学习能力也起到了一定效果。

【Abstract】 WebQuest is developed by Professor Borne·Dodge and Professor Tom·March in the year of 1995, and both of the two are experts of Educational Technology in Santiago University. Web means the internet, Quest means to inquire and to search for. People can easily get the meaning of WebQuest in this way:An inquiry-oriented activity in which some or all of the information that learners interact with comes from resources on the internet. Basically speaking, WebQuest is an instructional procedure or learning plan. Depending on the complexity of tasks, WebQuest plan can be as short as one course or as long as one week even one month. Learners need to actively participate in certain pre-designed activities so as to complete the pre-given tasks through analysis and synthesis of abundant resources.Metacognition refers to a persons’cognition about cognition. Metacognition plays an important role in language acquisition especially in writing. Researches have shown that metacognition can be taught to learners and metacognitive strategies can be trained. Among the researches on metacognitive strategy training, O’Malley and Chamot’s five-step strategy training is the most frequently employed. By referring to O’Malley and Chamot’s five-step mode, this paper mainly explores the effectiveness of applying WebQuest in the training of metacognititive strategies.Under the guidance of WebQuest theory and constructivist learning theory, the experimenter has designed the three-month WebQuest-based metacognitive strategy learning activity and made it into practice in a Higher Vocational College in Hunan Province. By referring to O’Malley and Chamot’s training steps, this study designed preparation, presentation and practice in the same way for both of the two classes. But different extracurricular activities are distributed to the learners in the steps of evaluation and extension. Students of control group were required to report their understanding of metacognitive writing strategies in the form of oral presentation; while the experimental group were required to report in the form of WebQuest. The results are given as follows:(1) Integrating WebQuest construction into metacognitive strategy learning steps is feasible and it is possible for learners to participate into the construction of WebQuest. WebQuests work more effectively than what traditional extracurricular activities do in strategy learning especially in the evaluating steps and extending steps. (2) The WQEL program enhanced learners’ability to plan, adjust, and evaluate their own writing and also improves students’English writing preference and performance.(3) The acceptability of WQML is higher than what is expected and WQML has strengthened learner autonomy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 01期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】247

