

The Research on the Architecture Design and Clean-dirt Medical Flow of Hospital

【作者】 孙银凤

【导师】 唐国安;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 医院建筑的建设是不断变化和发展的,是一种带普遍性的社会现象。我国医院建筑经过50多年艰难曲折的建设后,总体规模和现代化水平都有了很大的提高,医院建筑的建筑设计和医疗设备水平都已逐渐缩小了与西方发达国家的差距。但是我国医院建筑发展的整体水平而论还处于发展改革时期,尤其是对中小型医院建筑来说,在建筑的平面和空间,人性化的医院环境以及健康合理的医院流程设计等方面都有待完善,迫切需要合理、系统、专业的理论体系来指导实践。处于从现实意义和论证体系明确化的考虑,论文主要从医院建筑的平面设计出发,主要研究中小型医院的常规设置部门:门诊部与急诊科、病房护理单元、影像诊断部、手术部、消毒供应中心。具体研究方法是根据医院分级系统,从医院建筑综合体和医院建筑分区方面,宏观研究洁污流程与医院的整体规划布局之间的关系;从医院建筑单元和空间系列方面,微观研究洁污流程与医院建筑平面布局设计之间的关系;从空间组和行为空间方面,研究洁污流程与医院建筑各种建筑特殊处理之间的关系。从医院建筑的建筑设计与洁污流程的各个方面出发,研究医院建筑的总平面布局、各种平面形式和技术处理方法。通过研究国内和国外的典型医院建筑的有益经验,找出一套适应我国医院尤其是中小型医院发展的健康合理的医疗流程体系和设计方法。

【Abstract】 The construction of the hospital building is changing and developing constantly. It is a kind of social phenomenon with universality. After more than 50 years difficult and arduous construction, the overall scale and modernized level of our country’s Hospital have been all improved. Also the architectural design and the medical equipment level of the hospital have all already narrowed the gap with western developed country gradually.But we ought to know that the overall level of the hospital’s construction is in the period of development and reformation in our country. Especially for the medium and small-sized hospital, the plane and space of the building, the humanized cure environment, and the reasonable design of the hospital flow all remain to be complete.So the design of the medium and small-sized hospital waits for a logical, systematized and specialized theory system.Consider as the real situation and exactitude the theory system, the thesis mainly proceed from the planar design of hospital, major in the clinic, the emergency call department, the ward unit, the radiological department, the operation department and the supply center.The concrete research method is according to the hospital hierarchical system, research the relation between the clean-dirt medical flow and the overall plan of the hospital macroscopically from the hospital synthesis and hospital dividing area respect; research the relation between the clean-dirt medical flow and the planar design of hospital from the hospital units and the space; research the relation between the clean-dirt medical flow and the technology of architecture.Through researching the beneficial experience of the domestic and foreign typical hospital, find out a set of logical medical procedure systems and design methods especially for the small-sized hospital.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU246.1
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】482

