

On System of the Neighbor Environmental Relation

【作者】 魏怡琴

【导师】 易骆之;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 法律, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着工业化和城市化的迅速发展,相邻关系变得日益复杂,传统的相邻关系制度己难以完全适应社会生活的需要。环境相邻关系作为相邻关系的一个新类型,调整范围明显扩大,内容更广泛,利益多元化,是对传统民法理论的发展。由于社会背景、经济结构和法律传统等方面不相同,各国对环境相邻侵权的处理采取了不尽相同的方法。英美法系对于环境相邻纠纷采用的是侵权法追究,大陆法系则分为不可量物侵害制度处理和侵权法规制两大阵营。尽管在处理方法上有差异,但各国解决环境相邻侵权问题的过程中均重视环境权益的维护,而且都运用到公私法相互协调和配合来处理这个即涉及到公益又涉及私益的问题。与发达国家相比较,我国的相邻关系制度发展明显缓慢。《物权法》的实施,标志着我国在环境相邻关系制度建设方面有了突破性的进展。环境相邻关系在立法中得到了体现,如明确了“阳光权”、“有害物质侵害”。但通过对我国环境相邻关系制度现状的分析,可以发现其中仍然存在着一些不足,应对其予以完善。环境相邻关系制度作为一个新的法律制度,首先必须确立保护环境权益、利益衡量等法律原则。其次,借鉴国外的制度,发挥公私法之合力,私法走入环境与发展的综合决策,积极发挥公法的预防和指导功能,有效调整环境相邻关系。再次,由于环境相邻关系中环境侵权缺乏相应的判定标准,所以受害人利益最终得不到保护,因此建议引入忍受限度理论,参照多方面因素设定有害物质侵害的判断标准。最后,在完善环境相邻侵权救济制度方面,从民事救济和行政救济两个方面进行了讨论。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of industrialization and urbanization, adjacent relation becomes complex day by day. Traditional adjacent relation does not completely reach the requirement of social life. Environmental adjacent relation is a new type of adjacent relation with expansion of adjusting scope,magnification of The content and multiplication of benefit. Environmental adjacent relation is the development of traditional civil law theory.Thanks to the different social background, economic structure and legal tradition, different countries deal with the adjacent tort of environment through various ways, such as ,tort law in The Anglo-American Law system; the immission injury rules and tort law in The Continental Law system. Although the different processing method, the environmental rights and interests’protection is important in the process of settling the problems of adjacent tort of environment. Moreover ,these countries deal with the problem of public interest and private interests by the cooperation of the Public law and the Civil law.Comparing with other countries, the rules of adjacent relation develops very slowly. The enforcement of The Property law symbolizes the significant improvement of the rules of adjacent relation of environment, embodies some legislations, such as, the sunshine rights, deleterious substances’injury, but the rules of adjacent relation of environment still need consummating. Firstly,as a new rule, the adjacent relation of environment must protect the environmental rights, weigh the different interests and so on .Then, in order to adjust the adjacent relation of environment effectively, we should learn from the rules abroad: the development of the economy and the environment must be in harmony, at the same time, the prevention and the instruction functions of the Public law must be displayed effectively. What’s more, due to the lack of the judging standards, the victims’interests can not be protected finally, so the author suggests introducing the theory of tolerance limit, setting the standards of deleterious substance hurt according to various factors. Finally, during the relief of the adjacent tort of the environment, we should create some new ways of civil relief and administrative relief.

【关键词】 环境相邻关系容忍限度公法
【Key words】 environmentadjacent relationtolerance limitpublic law
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 12期
  • 【分类号】D923;D922.68
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】343

