

A Strategic Research on the Outsourcing in International Producer Service Industry by Beijing

【作者】 赵伟

【导师】 宫小全;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的加速,世界经济逐渐向现代服务业转型。特别是伴随着生产组织方式的变革和专业分工细化的趋势,制造业企业基于自身核心竞争力,对价值链进行分解的趋势变得非常明显,它们将自身价值链的一些支持活动(例如:人力资源、会计、研发设计、采购、运输、仓储、售后服务等)通过外包的形式完成。外包出去的业务逐渐形成了独立的产业,这些产业在为客户提供专业化服务的同时,自身的业务水平也不断提高,同时促使分工更加细化,提供服务所发生的成本也在不断降低,规模经济效应和学习效应不断得到释放,进而又推动制造业企业将更多业务进行外部化,从而进一步促进了生产性服务业外包的发展。由于生产性服务业外包在国际上仍属于起步阶段,世界各国对此引发的机遇与挑战都尚处探讨之中。本文通过对优势理论、产业聚集理论、和竞争理论等研究成果的综合评述,提出基于产业价值链的外包需求分析,对生产性服务业外包的发展战略及趋势进行理论创新研究。作为生产性服务业跨国转移的典型代表,软件外包逐渐成为整个生产性服务业外包的基础,引领着国际生产性服务业外包市场发展的趋势。目前,软件服务外包日益成为全球争夺的焦点。通过对印度、爱尔兰等国家的实证分析,从市场空间、企业规模、人才供给,以及文化背景等多方面对比我国软件外包发展状况,总结经验,寻求发展机遇。凭借地域、信息、人才等优势,首都生产性服务业外包的发展在全国处于领先地位。作为首都,北京在新一轮全球经济分工中,应做好产业发展规划,积极承接服务业跨国转移,增强自主创新能力,转变外贸增长方式,实现经济优势互补。通过对比大连、西安、上海、成都、深圳等城市的发展,剖析北京承接生产性服务业转移过程中,应如何发挥优势、弥补不足、吸取经验、把握机遇,坚持政府宏观引导,实施重点功能区产业集群战略,加大企业合作创新力度,促进形成企业联盟,进而全方位、宽领域、多层次的参与国际分工,有效承接国际生产性服务业外包,建立“世界办公室”,推动首都经济实现可持续发展。

【Abstract】 With the growing globalization, the world economy is in the transition to modern service industry. Particularly with the reform of production method and the trend of professional work division, the manufacturing companies choose to discompose their value chain and to outsource their supporting business, while they still possess the business core competitiveness. By this way, the producer service industry is developing with the high speed. So far, the outsourcing of the producer service industry is still underway. The opportunities and challenges brought by it are being discussed by all the countries in the world. The author analyzes the absolute comparative advantages, the relative comparative advantages and the nation competitiveness and introduces the research achievement on the theories of industry concentration, value chain and core competitiveness. He brings forward his innovative ideas on the development strategy and trend of the producer service industry. At present, the producer service industry is the hotspot in the world. Based on the analysis of the outsourcing in India, Ireland, the author summarizes the experience and arouses the attention of government and companies. For Beijing’s outsourcing situation, compared and contrast Dalian, Xian, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen with Beijing, he describes the advantages, disadvantages and the lessons we can learn. Beijing should actively participate in the international division, accept the outsourcing in producer service industry and establish the structure of modern urban industry with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of capital economy.

  • 【分类号】F752.68;F719
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】827

