
基于SUN WIT技术的ICP基础架构设计与实施

Internet Content Provider Infrastructure Design and Implement Based on SUN Web Infrastructure Technology

【作者】 李冰

【导师】 陈旭东;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 软件工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为IT应用的支撑系统,基础架构在互联网内容提供商(ICP)应用中扮演着重要的角色,如何应用先进的基础架构技术设计出合理的基础架构,是ICP迫切需要解决的问题。在论文工作期间,作者于2007年4月起一直在SUN公司网络架构小组实习工作,从事系统工程师职务,工作期间先后面向新浪、搜狐、巨人网络、51.COM等ICP公司提供了SUN网络基础架构技术解决方案,并进行了相应软硬件设施的基础部署和测试。本论文以SUN网络基础架构技术为基础,针对SUN网络基础架构技术在ICP基础架构中的应用进行了研究与实践,以作者所做的实际工程项目“新浪乐库频道基础架构设计与测试”为案例,以软件工程的思想对项目进行了整体规划,分析了项目的实际需求,设计提出了两个基于SUN WIT技术的ICP基础架构方案,结合现场实际分析,确定了最终的实施方案。该ICP基础架构方案主要应用了SUN片上多线程、SUN负载均衡与反向代理、冗余磁盘阵列(Redundant Array ofIndependent Disk-RAID)、双机热备等网络基础架构技术。在对ICP基础架构进行了需求分析与具体设计之后,本文对所提出的ICP基础架构进行了实际的项目部署与测试,这是本文工程项目工作的一个必要环节。ICP基础架构方案的实际部署工作包括了服务器的架设,网络架构的规划,代理服务器的安装与配置等;项目测试主要由代理服务器测试与数据库测试两部分组成,测试针对新浪乐库频道项目制定了详细的测试计划,在测试工作完成后,论文结合相关资料与数据对测试结果进行了详细的对比与分析,证明了该ICP基础架构方案在性能上符合ICP工程项目的实际标准。该方案已经在新浪、巨人网络等ICP公司得到了采纳并应用于线上系统,作者参与了项目的设计与实施工作。实践证明,该ICP基础架构方案具备较高的实际工程应用价值。

【Abstract】 As a supporting technology system of IT application, infrastructure plays an important role in Network Content Providers (ICP). For Internet Content Provider, it becomes a critical and vital problem needs to be resolved to design a rational IT Infrastructure. During the working process for thesis, the author worked in SUN Web Infrastructure Team as a system engineer intern, provided SUN WIT solution for Sina, Sohu, Giant-Interactive Group, 51.com, and others ICP company, and did the deployment and test for related projects.Based on SUN Web Infrastructure Technology (WIT) and an actual project "Sina music channel infrastructure design and test", the author did research and practice for the application of SUN WIT on ICP infrastructure. The thesis used Software Project thinking to layout the whole project, finished the work by the numbers including requirement analysis and summary design, according to the actual project analysis, designed two ICP infrastructure project using SUN WIT and provide the final infrastructure solution. In this ICP infrastructure project, the author used SUN WIT pivotal technology including Chip Multi-Threading (CMT), Load Balancer, Proxy, Redundant Array of Independent Disk(RAID), Cluster application and so on.Then according to the actual standard of project, the author finished the deployment and test for this project, including proxy server and database test. The project solution in the thesis has. been applied to the online system of Sina, Giant-Interactive Group, the author also joined the team to work for these projects. The practice proved that this ICP infrastructure had actual application value on project.

  • 【分类号】TP393.02
  • 【下载频次】24

