

Study on Assessment of Performance and Prompting for Stuff of Mining Enterprises

【作者】 吴永军

【导师】 祝祖强;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代以来,伴随着经济全球化步伐的明显加快,企业之间的竞争也日趋激烈。正如查尔斯.汉迪(Charles Handy)所指出的那样,新的企业生产率和利润公式已经变成了1/2*2*3=P,即采用原来一半的人,提供双倍的薪酬,但得到3倍产出的方式来创造价值。这就是说在新的形势下,单纯依靠人海战术是不行的,有效的组织需要的是更高的工作效率和生产效率,需要工作积极性和创新精神更强的员工。绩效考核和激励属于人力资源范畴,在企业的经营、管理中扮演了重要角色。通过绩效考核可以为组织的绩效管理的改善提供资料,帮助组织不断提高绩效管理的水平和有效性,同时帮助员工提高工作效率;而有效的激励可以充分的调动员工的积极性,发挥员工的潜力,帮助企业实现战略目标。A矿业股份公司是一家有色金属生产企业,主要的有色金属产品是铅和锌。由于地处偏僻的山区,员工观念落后、文化素质不高,企业的生产效率一直难以提高。本文通过分析A矿业股份公司现有的员工绩效考核体系和激励机制,提出存在的问题和解决方法。本片论文的框架分成五部分:第一部分是绪论;第二部分是绩效考核和激励相关理论的阐述;第三部分是国内外企业员工绩效考核及激励经验借鉴;第四部分是A矿业股份公司员工绩效考核及激励研究分析;第五部分是对A股份公司员工绩效考核、激励机制的建议。最后是本文的结论和展望。整篇论文是按照理论联系实践,并对实践具有指导作用的思路进行的。

【Abstract】 From the last decade of 20th century, competition between enterprises becomes more and more intense along with evident improvement of economic globalization. As Charles Handy pointed out, productivity and the formula of profit for new enterprises have changed to 1/2*2*3=P, which means to produce 3 times of output by employing half of labor but offers double amount of wage. It shows that companies can not success by only using the tactics of employing a huge number of personnel. The things that enterprises need are higher work efficiency, higher productivity, positive working attitude and employees with creativity.Assessment of performance and prompting, which belong to the category of human resource, play an important roll in company’s management. Assessment of performance provides key information to improve the performance management and helps the company polish up the efficiency of performance management. At the mean time, employees’ work efficiency could be improved. Moreover, correct prompting pushes up the enthusiasm of employees, helps employees exert their potential and leads the company to achieve its strategic goal.Mining company A produces non-ferrous metals, its primary products include Lead and Zinc. However, the company’s productivity is very low due to the following reasons: The out of the way location, which is in a mountainous area; unenlightened conception and poor education background of workers. This article indicates the solution of the low-productivity problem by analyzing the performance assessing system and prompting strategy.The framework of this article has five parts: The first part is introduction; the second part is the statement about the theory of performance assessing and prompting; the third part is the presentation about the current stage of performance assessing system and prompting strategy for domestic enterprises and enterprises overseas; the forth part is the analysis of mining company A’s performance assessing system and prompting strategy; the last part consists of some suggestions and opinions for Company A’s performance assessing system and prompting strategy. This article is finished under the basis of connecting theory with practice.

【关键词】 有色金属绩效考核激励人力资源
【Key words】 Non-ferrous MetalsLeadZincPerformance AssessingPromptingHuman Resource
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F426.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】501

